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"They're actually quite nice!" Her mom said frustratedly.

"That's what you said about the last new neighbors before they stole out lawnmower." Y/n huffed. She opened the fridge and grabbed an apple juice, sitting down at the table to talk to her mom.

It was only a day after y/n happened to see the new neighbors moving in and her mother was already trying to make a good impression.

"That's different. And it doesn't matter anyway because I already invited them to dinner tonight." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You're cooking?" She asked. Her mom was an amazing cook, but she didn't get to do so often because of her job. She was a nurse and worked irregular hours at a local hospital.

"Of course!" her mom chirped.

"Then I guess I'll attend." y/n huffed.

"You never had a choice, now go chop some celery for me."


"Daria, It smells amazing in here!" a woman's voice called out from the front door. Y/emerged from the kitchen to greet the guests per her mom's request.

"My mom is a really great cook." She laughed.

"I'm y/n." She said softly, reaching out to shake the woman's hand. She had two boys with her, the ones y/n has seen outside.

The older one looked to be around her age. She could see a sort of disinterest and dull-ness in his eyes. His features were delicate though, long lashes and a permanent pout.

"I'm Cleopatra, nice to meet you. These are my sons, Aiden and Jahseh."

Even his name has elegance

"Likewise, the table is over here."

So far, dinner had gone quite well, with both Daria and Cleopatra droning on about millennial things while Aiden and Marcus debated over the best transformer.

Y/n stayed quite, and Jahseh did the same. She didn't dare look over at him, not wanting to make the situation more awkward than it was.

"So y/n, I heard you make art." Cleopatra prompted.

"Oh yeah, I paint....The painting of Malcom X over the couch was a winning piece I worked on last year." Y/n said.

"You're really talented!" Cleo began.
"Jahseh is an artist too, he makes music."

"Yeah?" Y/n asked, looking to her right. Jahseh only shrugged blankly, continuing to eat his food. Cleopatra shook her head at her son's silence.

"Do you think you could paint me something for my living room? I'll pay you of course." she asked.

"Sure! whenever you're ready." y/n said with a soft smile just before looking back down at her food.


A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now