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On the fourth day, y/n was working on details. She didn't Spare Jahseh a glance as he came down the stairs, and he didn't either as he walked into the kitchen. Soon the smell of breakfast filled the air again. She silently scolded herself when her stomach growled. 

Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jahseh emerge from the kitchen with two plates.

is that for me...?

Quietly, he placed one of the plates next to her, then moved back to the table and began eating. Y/n looked down at the plate of sausages, eggs, and grits, then across the room at Jahseh.

"Thank you." She said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He nodded, not looking her way.

The two of them ate in silence. And once they finished, Jahseh took her plate, washed it, and went upstairs.

he didn't watch me paint today


On the fifth day, Jahseh got up, took a shower, came downstairs, and began to cook. It was a little earlier than normal. Y/n watched from the corner of her eye as Jahseh cooked shirtless in the kitchen. It felt like an old Tyler perry movie.

After a while, a warm plate of waffle was placed next to her.

"Good morning." Jahseh mumbled before retreating back to the table. That was the first time she had heard him speak. His voice wasn't incredibly deep, she couldn't quite tell if it matched his face.

"Good morning." She replied, picking up the plate.

They ate in silence again. Y/n wanted to talk to him, but he definitely wasn't the talking type and she didn't want to drive him away.

Once she finished her food, Jahseh came to grab her plate and went to the kitchen to wash it off.

She began working again, picking up her brush and resuming her paint strokes. After a while she heard Jahseh come up behind her again.

"What do you think?" She asked. The painting was almost done, and it looked almost the exact same as the original picture.

"... it looks good." he said quietly.

"Thank you...you were a very chunky-faced kid." She laughed.

"That's not me." He said seriously. Y/n turned around, looking up at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry I-"

"I'm joking. That's me." He chuckled. Y/n shook her head with a relived laugh.

"I remember this day." Jahseh said, deciding to sit down next to her and watch her paint.

"My mom had finally brought Aiden home. I was really excited to be a big brother."

"I can't say the same, I wanted nothing to do with Marcus when my mom came home from the hospital. I enjoyed only child life way too much." She reminisced, she turned to Jahseh.

"I grew to love him after that though."

it was quite for a moment.

"I'm Jahseh."

"I know."

"Yeah but I wanted to introduce myself properly." he said, holding out his hand.

"Well then I'm y/n." She said, shaking his hand. Jahseh's hands were big, and warm.

"Nice to meet you Jahseh."

It went quiet again.

"How are you enjoying it here since your move?" y/n asked.

"It's boring." he said softly. Y/n chuckled a little.

"Why'd you move?"

"Next question." He said.

"Okay my bad." Y/n said while dipping her brush in paint.
"How old are you?"

"19." Jahseh said

"18....favorite color?"

"Black. yours?" he asked.

"Red......Is all yogurt in Greece considered greek yogurt?"

"....what vro?" He asked with a little laugh behind his words.

Y/n chucked, and the two sat mostly in silence. His presence was comforting, and they stayed that way until y/n finally finished the painting.


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