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Jah on Drums

Y/n sat at her desk before the open window in her bedroom, paint brush in hand, humming away to herself. She made soft flat strokes of oil paint onto her canvas, frequently looking up to gaze at her reference pictures. Her room was still. The walls were painted a solid grey, cluttered with posters and her own artwork. Her bed was neatly made, a victorian looking canopy hanging above it. She sat with her back to the door, form hunched over her current canvas. That was until...

"Babyyyy!!!!!" Jahseh bursted through her bedroom door, calling for her in an obnoxiously loud voice.

"Yes Jahseh?" Y/n spun around in her chair, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend as he flopped down on her neatly made bed.

"I missed you babyyyyyyyy." He hummed, staring at her with a goofy smile.

Y/n smiled back, getting up from her chair and flopping on top of him.

"I missed you too Jah."

"You better have." He said, moving her about until she was strattling his lap. He looked up at her, smiling to himself.

"Im gonna miss you for real when youre off on tour." She said.

"Tf you mean." Jahseh mumbled, grabbing her neck softly and pulling her down for a kiss.

"Im flying you out." He said, kissing her again.
"You gon be at every show." He kissed her again.
"I need my baby with me." He mumbled.

Y/n's eyes widened.

"Do you mean that?" She asked.

"Im serious. Let me take you on tour, it'll be the perfect graduation trip." He said, staring into her eyes.

"Id love that." Y/n smiled, leaning into another kiss. Jahseh pumped his fist in excitement, sitting up.

"I fucking love you bro." He shook his head.

"..I love you too." Y/n smiled. He kissed her again, holding her hips down as his dick twitched under her.

"Jahseeeeh." She whined, breaking the kiss.

"I told you babe, you make my dick happy, saying you love me and shit." He hummed.

"You make sick." She chuckled.

"And you make me feel great." Jahseh mumbled, putting his face in the crook of her neck.

"You make me feel great too Jah. Im so glad you moved here." Y/n replied.

"Yeah...me too."


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