
797 21 40

Heart Eater

It was around 9 pm when y/n finally looked at her phone.

'you in the bathroom?'


'Baby where tf you at??'

'nigga you better not be kidnapped.'

*miss call*

*miss call*

Coincidentally, she received another text from him that moment.

'Just tell me you're alright."

'im good'

'Why you leave?'

'Why'd you let your fans call me bitch to my face?'

'I didn't want to cause a scene, im sorry'


"Can i cone see you?"

y/n huffed.



"Im sorry y/n." Jahseh mumbled, looking at her from across her bedroom.

"Mhm." Y/n said, looking down at her sketchbook on her bed.

"No really. Im sorry." He said.

"I said mhm." Y/n mumbled back. Jahseh sighed, getting up and shuffling to her bed. He lifted her up slowly, sliding under her so she was sitting on his lap. Y/n didnt fight him, but she still wouldnt look at him.

"Y/n." He said. Y/n didnt reply, only looking down at the sheets below them.

"Baby." He mumbled. Carefully Jahseh tucked his thumb under her chin and moved her gaze to his.

Then slowly he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers needlily.

oh god.

The kiss was sweet and sincere, and just as it began it was over.

Y/n pulled back and stared at Jahseh blankly. He bit his lip, hoping he hadn't messed up.

"fuck..." Y/n mumbled, pulling him hard by the front of his shirt back against her lips. Jahseh let out a little 'mph!' in surprise, moving his arms around her back. He all but chuckled when y/n's nimble fingers pushed his hands down to her ass. He gave it a hard squeeze, reeling his hand back to smack it, pulling a needy moan from her throat.

Jahseh used that as a opportunity to stick his tongue in her mouth, dick hard in his shorts. Y/n clenched her thighs, inching the crotch of her pajama pants closer to him.

"You drive me fucking crazy." Jahseh mumbled against her lips, using his hands to push her onto the bulge in his pants. Y/n whined loudly as he moved her back and forth over his lap, her underwear getting sticky in her pants.

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