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I did it

"Excuse me?" Y/n's mom said, eyebrows furrowed at the two teens infront of her.

"Mom please!! This exhibition is a HUGE deal." Y/n whined, looking to her mom with pleading eyes.

"I know, I know. Thats not the part im skeptical about. Y/n, having your painting displayed in Atlanta is a very big accomplishment." She then looked to Jahseh. He only smiled sheepishly, his locs twisted out of his face into two cornrows.

"Mom." Y/n began.
"The painting is literally of Jahseh, I really want to take him to see the exhibition."

"Please Ms.Daria. I swear Ill take great care of her." Jahseh said seriously.

Y/n's mother looked between the two of them.

"Y/n go upstairs for a minute. Id like to talk to Jahseh alone." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows but nonetheless scattered up the stairs. She tried to listen from the top but she was just too out of earshot to hear what was being said.

After a while she heard a small,
"Y/n!" from down the stairs.

When she made it down, Jahseh had small smile on his face.

"Okay. Jahseh can come with you to Atlanta. But ONLY because I have work and I cant be there to keep you safe." Y/n mumbled a small 'yes!' while leaning over to hug Jahseh tightly.

"BUT." her mom said.
"Please make smart decisions. I know you two are capable of doing so."

Y/n stood back, nodding her head seriously.

"I promise."


"So does this mean you won the competition?" Jahseh asked the next week, carrying y/n's bags out of her house.

"No, it means they're going to do another choosing, and then those are the winners. This is a preliminary ceremony." Y/n replied.

"Where are you going....?" She asked, looking at Jahseh who was crossing the street to his house.

"We're taking my car, Im not letting you drive me from here to Atlanta." he yelled back. Jahseh pulled the keys of his bmw out of his pocket and opened the trunk, throwing her stuff in there with his own.

"Are you sure?" Y/n asked, joining him in his driveway.

"Yes tf." Jahseh leaned against the back of the car, softly holding y/n's chin with his hand.
"Just sit in the passenger seat and look pretty, let me do all the work." he mumbled.

Y/n leaned into his touch, pressing her lips against his and biting on his bottom lip.

"Fuck-" he mumbled, bringing his free hand around her waist. Y/n looked up at her with soft eyes, making Jahseh bite his lip.

"EW ARE YOU GUYS KISSING OUT HERE??" Aiden's voice rang outside when he emerged from the house. The two jumped away from each other, getting back to packing the car.

After long goodbyes from their parents and siblings, Y/n and Jahseh were finally on the road.


A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now