.twenty three.

611 20 4

True love

"Jahhhhhhhhhhh!" Y/n whined, it was later in the day and the two were getting ready to leave for the Competition convention.

"Whats wrong with this one?" Jahseh asked, sitting on one of the beds while y/n cricled through all the outfits she packed.

"I dont know its just not...." Her voice trailed off.

"Look." Jahseh got up, beginning to rifle through the pile of clothes on the bed. He picked up a sweater and a pair of flares.
"How about this, the painting is of me, so I think I should get to choose."

Y/n chuckled, taking the outfit from his hands.

"Okay fine. Thank you." She said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Now get dressed baby, you said you wanted to get there early."

After getting dress, Jahseh walked y/n to the convention center across the street. He kept the covered painting held tight in his hands as he helped her look for the area in which they would drop it off.

"Theres an interview portion of the contest, I need to stay here for that." Y/n said as Jahseh placed her piece on the admission table.

There were a lot of people in the waiting area for that division of competition, some with pieces even bigger than hers.

"Hey. hey." Jahseh said, placing his hands over herse to stop her from rubbing them.
"Youre gonna be fine, none of these niggas here are as talented as you."

Y/n chuckled, looking down at the competitor name tag they had given her.

"I hope not."

The two waited and waited for the officials to call the mumber on her tag, signifying she could come to the back for her interview. Slowly the people in the area began to trickle down one by one, until y/n realized she was the last person to be interviewed.

And once they finally called her number, she followed a woman with an event tag to a back room with a desk and two chairs. Y/n sat across from the woman, watching as she filled things out on her clipboard.

"Lets start easy, whats your name?" She said, small smile on her face. Y/n took a breath.

"Y/n L/n"




"[school name]"

"And contestant number."


The woman jotted everything down quickly. She then placed her clip board onto the desk, interlocking her fingers and looking to y/n.

"Now. Tell me about your piece."

"Its a fantasy embellished portrait meant to represent struggle and change. It utilizes nature symbolisms to illustrate a story of rebirth." Y/n said calmly.

The woman flipped a page on the clipboard, looking at the screen printed pictures of the painting on the next page.

"Who's your subject matter?" She asked.

A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now