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i don't even speak spanish lol

"Does this work?" Jahseh asked, making a goofy face.

"Jah no." Y/n laughed, opening the set of oil paints Ms.James had given her. Luckily, the two of them had the week off of school for the changing seasons.

"I don't need you to be a live model, I have pictures of you." She giggled.

"Oh yeah." Jahseh said with a small frown.
"Why can't I see while you paint?"

Y/n's canvas was faced away from him, her back against the bed as jahseh sat at her desk. It was relatively big too, almost the size of the painting she had done for his mother.

"Because, i'll get nervous if you watch while i paint."

"You let me watch when you were painting at me house."

"Well that's because I didn't know you and you looked like you were gonna hit me if I asked you not to watch." She joked.

When she looked over, Jahseh was frowning.

"Jah I didn't mean-"

"Were you afraid of me...?" He asked.

"No! I'm joking. I wouldn't have kept talking to you if I was afraid of you." She said seriously.

He nodded, but he didn't look completely convinced.

Y/n brushed it off, beginning to make her base layer of paint.


"You're very pretty." Jahseh said, leaning over her desk chair.

"Who, me?" Y/n said, eyes not leaving the canvas. She had been painting for about three hours or so.

"Yes you." Jahseh mumbled.

"Thank you." she said, eyes flicking away from the canvas to meet his.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"A little."

"What do you want?" He asked, pulling out his phone.

He's gonna get me food?

"...wings." Y/n said curiously. Jahseh typed on his phone for a minute before standing up and grabbing his shoes.

"I'll call you when I get there." He said, putting on his jacket.

"I can cashapp you!" Y/n yelled as he left the room.

"Don't worry about it!" He yelled back, already going down the stairs.

well that's strange.


"Cmon, time to take a break." Jah said, pulling y/n out of her seated position.

"Jaaaaahhhhh" Y/n whined, but he wasn't having it. Pulling her down the stairs, he forced her to sit on the couch, placing her plate in her lap.

"Thank you Jahseh." She said, opening the container.

"Of course girl." He mumbled, digging into his food immediately.

Y/n after taking a couple bites of her food, reached for the remote, turning the tv on and flipping through cable channels. She settled on a Tlc show about who knows what.

something about this feels so domestic. I wonder if Jahseh is a home and wife kinda guy.

She realized that maybe she'd like to be his girlfriend.

"You straight? You're not eating." Jahseh said suddenly, looking over at her in concern.

"Oh yeah, yeah, my bad." She said, picking up another wing.

"You sure?"

"I'm surprised you noticed with how fast you're eating." Y/n joked.

"I'd rather be eating something else." Jahseh said, eyes staring into her.

She stared back, wanting to call his bluff.
"What's stopping you?"

The two stared at each other for a long while before Jahseh chuckled, turning back to his food and beginning to eat again, y/n following.


"I don't wanna go homeeeeeee." Jahseh whined.

"Well you gotta be gone before my mama gets back, plus Marcus can't know you're here, he can't hold water." Y/n replied, beginning to clean up her paint.

"You can come back tomorrow."

Jahseh huffed, moving over to her sitting position and wrapping himself around her torso like a child.

"Jah." She laughed, now unable to get up.

"Nigga let me stayyy."

"Jah no." She mumbled, trying to move from under him. His locs ticked her neck as his face pressed into her shoulder. He smelled good, like cologne and weed. 

"Mean ass." He mumbled into her neck.


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