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Let's pretend we're numb

(quick chapter)

"Whats up with you?"

"Hm?" Jahseh hummed in the passenger seat of y/n's car, looking down and fiddling with his nails.

"You showed up to my house, gave me the best orgasm of my life, and now you're not talking to me." Y/n said, watching the road.
"Did i do something...?"

"Do you like me?" Jahseh asked suddenly.

"Of course i d-"

"No like, like me-like me. Because honestly y/n i'm fucking in love with you."

Y/n was silent.

"I was balls deep in your fucking pussy and all I could think about was how much I love you. I feel like I did something wrong."

"You didn't want to have sex with me?" Y/n asked, pulling into the school parking lot and parking the car.

"I did. I wanted to really fucking bad. And you wanted it almost as much as I did." He said, then he thought for a moment.
"Maybe not like that though. I dont want you to think i want you just for your body."

"Then what do you want Jahseh?" Y/n asked.

"...I think I want you to be my girlfriend....would you want something like that?"

Y/n giggled.

"Id love something like that." Jahseh smiled.

"Now all you have to do is figure out how to ask me." Y/n said, opening the door and getting iut of the car.

"What?" Jahseh twisted his face in confusion.

"What? You didnt think it would be that easy did you?"


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