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i did it!

Y/n sat quietly at one of the tables in her art class, headphones in and pencil in hand. Admittedly she had been listening to a little of Jahseh's music on her own and she was becoming a fan.

Her semester portrait was due in the next 2 weeks and she hadn't even started. She spent the last two classes looming over the empty canvas with a frustrated look on her face.

After a while, the sound of her phone vibrating startled her out of her concentration.

'Look up'

Looking up at the door, she smiled once she noticed Jahseh in the hall. He waved at her then began doing some dance. Y/n laughed quietly to herself, head in her hand. Then his eyes widened and he quickly dashed down the hallway.

"Is that him?" Ms.James asked, coming up beside her.

"Yeah." She giggled.

"He seems like quite the friend." Mr.James said before beginning to walk away. Then she stopped.

"Make sure you turn in your portrait after break." She said before beginning to walk away again.


"There is no way you're gonna miss out on that, Y/n are you crazy ???" Jamila yelled through the phone.

"I know, I know.... but I'm really fresh out of ideas." Y/n huffed, mixing mac and cheese on the stove for Marcus.

"Y/n I would kill for scholarship money like that."

Y/n huffed. She had been putting off an artistic competition for weeks now and the deadline was definitely due soon.

"My mom would hate me if i missed this chance. And i WANT to do it, I just don't have anything good enough to submit." She said, spooning mac and cheese into a bowl and placing it infront of Marcus at the table.

"You should paint Jahseh." Marcus said before taking a spoonful of pasta.

"That's what I told her, but she doesn't listen to me." Jamila said to Marcus. Y/n huffed again.

what if I do and it looks bad....

"If you don't ask that boy, I will." Jamila said.
"I'm serious."

"Okay okay okay." Y/n mumbled, pulling up his contact in her phone.

A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now