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The two had been on the road for around 5 hours. Looking over y/n could see the tense muscles in Jahseh's arm as he continued to drive.

"Lets pull over and take a break, Jah." Y/n said.

"Nah I'm good, I can keep going." he said calmly.

Y/n huffed. Then slowly she reached over, putting her hand on his leg. She softly traced her nails up and down his thigh, feeling the material of his sweatpants. Jahseh's eye twitched.

"Can we take a break please, X?" She asked in a soft voice. Jahseh was quiet for a minute, leg tensed.

"Wheres the next gas station baby?"


"Come lay on me." Jahseh mumbled, now parked in the back section of a QT parking lot. Y/n giggled, climbing into his lap in the drivers seat and laying her head on his chest. Jahseh let out a big exhale, rubbing y/n's back with his hand.

"Give me a kiss." He said. Y/n lifted her head, pressing her lips to his gingerly. Jahseh leaned his head back, letting out a big sigh with his eyes closed.

"Being with you is like hitting a blunt." He mumbled, eyes still closed.


"Yeah... Give me another kiss."

This time, y/n pressed her lips to his for even longer, holding the sides of his face with her hands. After a couple seconds, y/n could feel something growing under her. She pulled away with a slight giggle and a feigned glare.


"My bad My bad!" He said, trying to push her off his lap.

"All we did is kiss Jah." She said, resisting his hands trying to push her off.

"Thats all we gotta do! You make me and my dick happy Y/n!" He said.

"Is that right?" Y/n asked, reaching over him to pull his seat back.

"Yeah..." Jahseh mumbled, watching as y/n kneeled between his legs. She leaned her cheek against the inside of his thigh, her opposite hand tracing her finger over his stomach and the waistband of his sweats.

Jahseh's dick throbbed at the sight, almost twitching in anticipation.

"You okay?..you look stressed." She said softly.

"Yeah I uh..." He was cut off by a sharp breath when Y/n pulled on his pants, letting his dick spring out.

"Let me help you relax." She mumbled before licking a bead of precum off the tip.

He watched with low eyes as she took the tip into her mouth, sucking it lowly, looking up and locking eyes with him.

Then slowly she inched further down on his dick until her nose was just barely touching his happy trail.

"Fuuuck Y/n." He said, putting his hand in her hair and leaning his head back with his eyes closed. His hand guided her up and down his shaft, his breath hitching every time the tip hit the back of her throat.

Y/n pulled off softly, licking her way from the base to the tip.

"Dont look away, look at me." She mumbled, feeling his dick twitch in her hands. Jahseh's eyes were heavy against hers as she took him back into her mouth.

"Youre so fucking pretty-fuck." He huffed, trying to carefully buck his hips up into her face. Y/n gagged lightly around the shaft, watering eyes still watching his. Her free hand cupped his balls, giving them a small squeeze as Jahseh groaned. Y/n used her free hand to rub at her clit through her leggings, trying to relieve some of the tension.

"want you to cum in my mouth Jah." She hummed, kissing his shaft before swallowing down to the base.

"Fuck keep sucking like that pretty girl." he moaned.
"gonna give you what you want."

Y/n moaned around him, bobbing her head faster. She watched as Jahseh's stomach twitched.

"Swallow. Dont make a mess." He said, pushing y/n's head back so he could watch the cum flood her mouth. Y/n made a show of holding her mouth open wide, then closing to swallow.

"Such a good fucking girl." He panted. Y/n opened her mouth again, looking up to show Jahseh she had swallowed everything he gave her, then softly licked the tip clean.

Jahseh took a second to catch his breath before reaching out and rubbing y/n's cheek with his thumb.

"We should get back on road now, huh?" Y/n said with a smug smile.


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