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everybody dies in their nightmares

That monday, Y/n got up, got dressed in something casual, and went downstairs. Marcus was already awake, sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal.

"Is mom here?" Y/n asked, grabbing a granola bar from the pantry and stuffing it in her pocket.

"No." Marcus replied, eyes trained on the cartoons on in the living room.

"Okay, hurry up. We leave in 10."

Marcus's bus stop was on the way to her school, so y/n never had any problem with taking him in the morning. He always rode back with a friend in the afternoons though.

On the way to school, y/n drove past someone with black hoodie and a backpack. They were walking slow, earbuds in. As she furthered along, she realized it was Jahseh.

if I see him at school today, I'll offer him a ride next time.


"He's weird. but I think it's a good weird."

"Y/n that nigga sounds like trouble. Like why wouldn't he tell you why he moved?" Her best friend Jamila said, reapplying lipgloss in the mirror of her locker.

"Maybe it's something personal." Y/n said.

"Yeah like jail." Jamila said. Y/n chucked a little, closing her own locker and beginning to head off.

"I'll see you at lunch!" she said as she walked away.

Y/n rounded the building to the art room, eager to show the art teacher her last piece.

"Ms.Jaaaaaamesssss" Y/n loudly whispered from the door. There was a group of juniors occupying the class that period, who looked at her curiously before getting back to work.

"Good morning ms.l/n." Ms. James smiled warmly. She was a small round white lady who wore glasses with thick frames. She was quiet, but by far y/n's favorite teacher.
"What can I help you with?"

"We had some new neighbors move in across the street and their mother commissioned a painting from me over the break." Y/n said, pulling out her phone and showing her teacher the photo of the painting.

"It's a beautiful piece, but very in your comfort zone." Ms.James said, analyzing the pictures.

"I think a challenge would be good for you."

"...Well her son, the one in the picture. He's much older now, and he goes here. He has blue hair and crazy face tattoos. That's not something i'm used to painting." she said, in thought.

"Exactly! I'd get onto that if i were you."

"I think the real challenge would be getting him to let me paint him."

"Why's that?" Ms.James asked, walking over to her storage closet and rummaging through it.

"He's just...weird, I don't know." She watched as Ms James pulled out a tin box.

"I bought these in Europe, they were said to be the paints of geniuses." She held them out.
"Take 'em."

"Oh no—Ms.James I can't take these!" Y/n mumbled.

"Its your senior year and I want you to go out with a bang. Take them, I won't take no for an answer."

Y/n grabbed the tin gingerly, popping off the lid to look at all the unused oil paints.

"Thank you."

A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now