.twenty one.

625 22 1


After a couple more hours of driving, the two had finally reached the city again. It was dark now, and the lights of the hotel illuminated the hood of the car as the two pulled in.

Jahseh got out the car, opening the door for y/n and immediately moving to get their bags. As the two walking in together, y/n took in the interior sight of the hotel. It was high end, paid for almost in full by the competition.

"Im gonna get us checked in." Jahseh said, leaving y/n to walk up to the desk.

She stood back, looking down and fiddling with her phone when a guy suddenly approached her.

"Hey." He said, stepping up a little too close to her.

"Youre a finalist?" he asked, pointing to the covered painting resting against her leg.

"Mhm." She said, looking up from her phone.

"Youre a real pretty finalist." He said, smirking at her.
"If you need someone to show you around the convention tomorrow im free."

Y/n took a step back, lifting her hands.

"Oh actually Im here with—"

"Her boyfriend." Jahseh said firmly, coming up behind her and glaring at the guy. Immediately after he began dragging her away to the elevator.

"I had it under control 'boyfriend'." Y/n chuckled.

"Ill whoop his ass." Jahseh pouted.
"anyway, we have room 816."

Y/n followed him out the elevator and into their shared room. It was spacious room with a big window that looked over the city and two beds. Y/n stretched her arms, laying back against the bed farthest from the window.

She yawned, watching as Jahseh walked over and flopped on top of her.

"Mooooove, get on your own bed!" She whined.

"But I wanna share this one with youuuu." Jahseh whined back, voice muffled by her shirt.

"No, you baby."Y/n huffed.

Jahseh sat up on his knees, placing one hand on either side of y/n's face and pulling her into a kiss. Her arms came up and around his neck, pulling him down closer.

"Youre so pretty." He mumbled, lips going for her neck. His arms traveled down, hooking themselves under her knees. Y/n sighed, leaning back and closing her eyes.

Then suddenly her phone rang.

She sighed, pushing Jahseh off of her to answer her mom's call.

"...Yes mom....we're fine....everything was fine....."

Jahseh watched her annoyed face with a stifled laugh.

"Yes....I know...okay.....i love you too....alright...bye."

"You hungry?" Jahseh asked, opening his suitcase now on the other side of the room.

"Very." Y/n replied.

"Ill order something." He said, pulling out his phone.

"Come watch a movie with me Jah." Y/n mumbled, curling up under the covers of the bed and holding the blanket open for Jahseh's to crawl in. And he did, wrapping his arms around her while the two waiting for the food.


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