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everyone dies in their nightmares

As the sun was long gone and the moon sought to shine, Jahseh grew restless in his sleep. His brows were knit together, sweat dotting his brow. He began to turn in his bed, grasping at nothing and mumbling in distress. It wasn't until a specifically hard jolt sent him hurtling awake did he set his hand on his chest and take deep breaths.

He grabbed his phone off the bedside table, it was around 3:30 in the morning.

"fuck." He mumbled, laying back down and attempting to go to sleep. Except he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried to drift back off, he couldn't do it. He groaned a little louder than necessary, picking his phone back up.

After a while of scrolling through instagram, he finally sighed and opened his messages.

you awake ?

no response.

"She's sleeping, now go to bed nigga." He told himself, turning to his side. He tried closing his eyes again but he still couldn't drift off. So quickly he picked up his phone and dialed her number.


"Hello...?" Her voice was soft and groggy. He knew she had to be asleep,

"Do you want to sit on my roof with me?" He asked.

"Jahseh it's almost four in the mor-"

"Please." He said quietly. He listened as she sat up, stretching out her limbs.

"I'm coming." she mumbled. Jahseh smiled, throwing on a jacket over his bare chest and basketball shorts. Looking out his bedroom window, he watched the light turn on in Y/n's room, then after a while she quietly emerged from her front door. He let her in the front door, then took her upstairs to get to the roof.


"So....how's life?" Jahseh asked. The two teens were laying back side by side on Jahseh's roof.

"Fine. What about for you?" Y/n asked, a yawn following.

"Good. good." He mumbled.

"If it was so good, I don't think you would want to be up here with me." She said. Her voice was soft and timid. Jahseh chuckled a little.

".....fair." He was quiet for a moment.
"Are you a virgin?"

Y/n turned her head to look at him.
"Do i get to ask questions about you too?"

"Maybe." Jahseh replied.

"Mm. No, i'm not a virgin."

"Me neither."

Y/n turned on her side to look at him, resting her head on her hand.

"Why'd your mom move you out here?" she asked.

"I got into some trouble." Jahseh said, still looking at the sky.

"What kind of trouble?" Y/n asked. He didn't answer, only turning on his side to look at her.

"Fine, keep your secrets." She mumbled, closing her eyes. Jahseh kept his eyes open, just admiring her.

"I like you." He mumbled.

"I like you too." She said calmly, eyes still closed.

"mm." he said, turning back to the stars and placing his hands on his stomach.
"Don't fall asleep on me."

"I won't."

She did.


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