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let's pretend we're numb

Y/n stared at the text message for a while, her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness of her room.

'Made sure you got home safe, get some rest- Jah'

It was about four am, the morning after the party. The sun had yet to begin to rise and y/n still had a couple hours to sleep before school.

She stared at the message for a couple minutes longer before saving his contact.

should I respond or.....

Shaking her head, she liked the message and layed back down, trying to will herself back to sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about the party.

what does he mean he's not a good person? What did he do? Is that why they moved?

She kept thinking about the name that girl called him. She couldn't remember exactly what it was, but she felt it was important. After a while she drifted to sleep, and stayed asleep until it was time for her to wake up for school.


"What are we doing?" Marcus asked from the back seat of y/n's car. It was that friday morning and they were parked across the street.

"We're waiting for Jahseh, Im going to take him to school." Y/n replied, shooting him a text that they were outside.

"He goes to big kid school with you?" Marcus asked.

"Yes he does." Y/n said, just as Jahseh emerged from the front door with his bookbag. He walked around the front of the car, opening the door and sliding in the passenger seat.

"Goodmornin." He said.

"Morning." Y/n smiled softly.

"What's going on lil man?" Jah said, reaching back to fist bump Marcus as y/n started the car up. The car ride was quiet, excluding the low volume radio music, Y/n was beginning to notice that Jahseh enjoyed silence.

Pulling up to the bus stop, Y/n told Marcus she loved him and wished him a good day at school.

"Thank you for taking me home." She said softly, pushing the gas pedal once again.
"That seems like a good person deed to me"

"Yeah well, didn't want anything crazy to happen to you." He said, messing with his painted nails.

"Okay Mr.mysterious."

Jahseh chuckled.

As soon as y/n parked in the school parking lot and opened her door, she heard a voice yell her name. Wincing, she watched as Jamila sprinted over to her.

"Are you okay?? I'm never leaving you alone at a party again! he didn't do anything to you did he ??" She asked, glaring over at Jahseh, who had just gotten out of the car. His eyes widened as he raised his hands infront of himself.

"I didn't." He mumbled.

"I'm fine." Y/n laughed, hugging Jamila as Jahseh walked inside.

"Getting stoned with a nigga at a party is so unlike you." Jamila said as y/n grabbed her bag from the car.

"I know... I still have a headache. But he's just so nice to listen to." Y/n sighed.

"He's gonna smooth talk his way into your pussy y/n."

he just might


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