.twenty two.

659 22 14

Off the Wall!

Y/n's eye blinked awake early that next morning. The window of the hotel room let in the light of the rising sun, bathing the room in orange. Y/n slightly shifted, Jahseh's arms wrapped tightly around her. She did her best to carefully free herself from his grasp, but just as she was about to sit up, his arms locked around her and pulled her back down.

"Dont leave." He mumbled, eyes still closed.

"Jah I wanna showerrrrr." Y/n whined, squirming in his grip. Jahseh huffed as she broke free, getting up out of bed and rummaging through her bag.

"Hurry up and come back." Jahseh said, turning to the side with his eyes still closed.

Y/n chuckled, closing herself in the bathroom. She took her time showering, humming while she let the warm water fall down her body. Then after about 30 minutes, she turned the water off, wrapped herself in a towel and went out to find something to wear.

Jahseh was seated on the edge of the bed on his phone when y/n emerged from the bathroom. He looked up once the door opened, and y/n could feel his eyes following her as she went about her business. She looked damn good, and he knew it.

"Y/nnnnn." He said after a while.

"Yes?" She replied, still rummaging through her suitcase.

"Can I see your pussy?"


Y/n was still for a moment.

"What?" She said, peaking over the side of the bed.

"Just lemme see it." He said, 100% seriously.

Y/n shook her head, going back to looking in her bag.
"You've already seen it, remember?"

"Yeah but I wasnt really paying attention then." He said.

"What else could you be paying attention to while giving backshots?" Y/n asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I was watching your butthole." Jahseh smiled.

"Jah!" He barked out a laugh as y/n threw a pillow across the room at her.

"Baby cmonn." He whined as y/n slowly walked over to him, towel still secure around her body. She stood infront of his sitting form, her eyes watching his.

"Let me see that pretty pussy." He mumbled, hand traveling up her leg and under her towel. She exhaled as his nimbled fingers brushed over her slick cunt.

Jahseh slowly pulled the towel from her body, letting out a low 'fuck.' when her pussy came into view. He softly ran. his thumb over her clit, his other hand gripping her thigh.

"Jah-" Y/n gasped, her hand gripping his shoulder.
"stop staring—"

Jah only chuckled, eyes still glued to her pussy. Then he put two fingers between her folds, spreading her open infront of him and groaning at the sight. At this point her arousal was dripping down his wrist.

"Jahseh oh my god." Y/n huffed.

"Okay okay my bad." He chuckled.
"I just like looking at it."

Then suddenly leaned in and wrapped his lips around her clit. Y/n's eyes rolled back as he hiked her leg up onto the bed besides him to get a better angle.

He wrapped his arms around her hips, pulling her flush to his face while he lapped at her pussy. Y/n's hands gripped the back of his head, moaning as Jahseh flicked his tongue over her clit.

Jahseh pulled back, pressing wet kisses along her thighs.

"Come ride my face baby." He mumbled before biting her thigh.

im not saying no to that

Y/n let him lead her to the head of the bed, laying his head back on a pillow.

"You sure?" Y/n asked, sitting half her weight on his bare chest.

"Girl cmon" He chuckled, pulling he hips over his face.
"wanna make you feel good."

He pulled her all the way down, attaching his lips to her pussy again. Y/n's hands gripped the headboard, legs shaking already. Jahseh dipped his tongue into her hole, savoring the taste on his tongue.

"Jah~" Y/n moaned, shallowly rocking her hips into his mouth. He groaned, sliding his hands up on her ass to assist her in grinding on his face. He gulped against her, her juices soaking his upper lip and chin.

Y/n leaned forward, whining as she desperately humped his face, legs shaking while jahseh sucked the life out of her pussy.

"please! pleasepleaseplease- X fuck-!" She cried, cumming hard and gripping the headboard. Jahseh's eyes rolled back as she came on his tongue, massaging her ass as he sucked up everything she had to offer.

Jahseh pressed soft kisses to her thighs as she caught her breath, then he rubbed her waist as she slid off of him. Jahseh sat up and wiped his face with his hand.

"Oh..." Y/n mumbled, looking at the mess she made on his face and the pillow. Before she could apologize, he pulled her forward by the back of her neck, pulling her in for a sweet kiss. He let his hands run up and down her hips, soothing the skin there.

"You taste so good mama. Let me take you out for breakfast." He mumbled, leaning his face into her neck.


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