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why am i so in love ?

The next afternoon, Y/n was up painting again. She jumped slightly when her phone began to ring, turning to answer it, she propped her phone up so Jahseh could see her.

"Good morning." Jahseh yawned, shirtless in bed with his eyes half open.

"Jah it's 12:30." Y/n laughed.

"Shut up....You started painting without me?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's a picture, i don't NEED you here to paint." Y/n replied. Jahseh feigned a pout.

"You're so fucking mean girl." he whined. Y/n chuckled.
"I'm going downtown to record today."

"You gonna write me a song, bestie?" Y/n teased.

"Shit i'll write you 10." He mumbled tiredly.
"Anything for you."

her heat fluttered a little bit.

"I'm joking, have fun, make something you're proud of." She said.

"I will. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Jah."

"Bye beautiful."


For the next few hours, y/n worked in silence. She was alone with her thoughts and as a result she had made great progress with the painting. It wasn't finished, but it looked good.

Around 6, she got a text from Jahseh. It was an audio file with no caption.

Y/n placed her paint brush down, clicking the file and listening. It was a song she had never heard before, a song of Jahseh's.

"I, oh, I, am falling for you, falling for you
I, oh, I, am falling for you, falling for you
I, oh, I, am falling for you, falling for you
I, oh, I, am falling for you, falling for you
Why am I so in love?
Why am I so in love?
Why am I so in love?"

could this be about me ?

She exited out the file, moving to text him back.

"This is really nice, I love it."

"Thank you, otw back. Can I see you when i get home?"


"You smell real fucking good." Jahseh said before taking a drag off the blunt between his fingers.

"I'm not wearing anything different." Y/n replied, still painting.

"You smell good all the time." he said.

"Is that so?" Y/n smiled.

"Yeah"Jah mumbled with a wide smile, eyes squinted and red.
"Come smoke with me..."

"Why do you always wanna get me high, Jah?" Y/n asked.

"Because..... I like getting high, i like you, they're like my two favorite things..." He mumbled, a breathy laugh following. He was higher than she had ever seen him before.

"I like you too." She said.

"But not getting high..?" Jahseh asked.

"I like getting high too, but i don't want to ruin the painting."

"When are you gonna let me seeee ittttttt." He mumbled.

"When it's finished Jaseh-"

"X." he said suddenly.
"I don't like my name, I'm X, not jahseh."

"Y/n looked at him for a moment, in whatever intoxication he was in, she could tell he was somewhat serious.

"Then when it's finished, X." She said calmly.

"But i want to see it noooowwwww babyyyy"



He huffed.

"You lucky I love yo mean ass." He mumbled.

Y/n's eyes widened, she looked over the canvas at Jahseh, who was scrolling through his phone absent-mindedly.




A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now