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carry on

The next night, y/n dressed herself up in a simple black dress and minimal makeup. She put Marcus to bed and tiptoed quietly out of the house and into Jamila's car.

"Okay okay you look cute!" Jamila cheered once they got down the street.

"And you look fabulous as always." Y/n smiled.

The party was held in a house a little closer to the middle of town. Once there, Y/n agreed to dance with Jamila a bit before finding something more tame to do. After maybe an hour or so, she declared she was taking a break and went off to look for something to drink.

The kitchen was stocked with alcohol, but y/n was lucky to find a few unopened water bottles on the counter. When she returned to the dance floor, she chuckled at the sight of Jamila dancing on a dude she'd seen at school before.

i'll leave them alone.

Going out the back door of the house, y/n decided to look for a part of the party that wasn't drowned in loud music.

The backyard was pretty big. There was a pool and a fire pit. Lawn chairs surrounded the fire pit and the air smelled like weed. Jahseh was seated at the fire pit, smoking by himself.

I guess J was right.

Y/n decided to swallow her nerves and sit next to him.

It was silent between the two of them for a while. The sound of muffled music was the only thing that could be heard. Then eventually, Jahseh looked to her, holding out the blunt.

She took it gingerly, taking a long puff from it and then a deep breath.

"You don't seem like the party type." Y/n stated.

"Neither do you."

Y/n chucked before taking another drag from the blunt.

"Touché.....What's your deal mr.Mysterious?" Y/n said promptly.

"I don't have a deal, I'm just private." Jahseh replied. He brought his hand up through his blue locs, tossing them over his forehead.

"Is that xxxtentacion...?" Y/n looked over, a group of girls in the kitchen of the house were peering at jahseh through the door and whispering.

xxx-what now ?

" Well what if i'm nosey and want to know about you?" Y/n huffed. Jahseh shook his head. Carefully, one of his large hands reached out and lifted y/n's chin. His other hand pressed the blunt to her lips, and he watched her with low eyes as she inhaled.

"And what if you don't like me anymore once I tell you?" He said.
"I'm not a good person, y/n."

She shivered at the way he said her name.

"Oh." Was all she could say.

"Would you- um... would you like to ride with me to school?" She asked, trying to change the subject as he handed the blunt to her.
"I see you walking in the mornings."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not, I used to walk to school before I got my car and i hated it." y/n said.

Jahseh smiled a little bit.


The two sat together and smoked, and smoked, and smoked some more. Jahseh was so easy on the eyes and nice to listen to that y/n didn't even notice how many blunts she was running through.

"You okay?" Jahseh asked, looking over to her. She had her head sitting in her hand and her eyes almost shut. He'd think she was asleep if hadn't just been talking to her.

"Yeah....I feel really good." Her words were slow and slurred, and she still hadn't opened her eyes.

"I smoked you out pretty girl?" he asked.

"Nooo...hush." she mumbled.

Jahseh chuckled, helping her to her feet and going inside to look for Jamila. The other girl was seated on the couch with some other people, visibly tipsy. Her gaze softened a bit when she saw y/n stumbling and leaning on Jahseh.

"Can I take her home?" He asked.
"She smoked a little too much."

Jamila stared at him for a moment.

"You gonna be careful with her?"

"I promise." Jahseh replied.

Jamila nodded, watching the two of them leave. Jahseh helped her into his mom's car, getting her situated then beginning the drive home.

"Jah." She mumbled, eyes closed as she leaned against the window.

"Yes, y/n?"

"youre like... beautiful." She said.

Jahseh didn't reply, only smiling to himself and shaking his head.


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