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"KEEP THEM CLOSED" Y/n yelled, Watching Jahseh like a hawk. They were standing together in the art room at her school. Jahseh had his hands over his eyes and Y/n was pulling the cover off her canvas while Ms.James watched from afar in amusement.

Y/n proped the canvas up on a table top easel, dusting it off a couple times.

"Open them now."

Jahseh moved his hands from his face, with almost a blank expression. Y/n watched as his eyes traversed the canvas

It was a chest up portrait. Jahseh was shirtless, all of his tattoos on his neck and face painted in detail. His locs hung around his face, vines weaved between them. The same thorny vines curled aroung his shoulders and pecs. His face was solem, gaze low and eyelashes delicate.

Y/n watched him nervously, tracing his features.

"Fuck man." He mumbled.

Y/n's heart sank.

he hates it.

"This is really fucking good.... Im mad i cant keep it."

She breathed a sigh of relief

"So you like it...?" He looked at her, grabing her arm and oulling her to his side.

"I fucking love it. Shit, its so good." He mumbled, snaking his hand around her waist while still looking at the painting.

"Can I make it a single cover  Ill pay you for ever download that shit gets." he mumbled, leaning over and pressing his face in the crook of her neck.

"Let me take you out to eat or something, please." he mumbled.

"How about ice cream?"



"Ill enter it once i get home, then we'll see where it goes from there." Y/n said, placing another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

The two sat across from each other in a cramped little booth at a local ice cream parlor.

"Itll win for sure, youre too fucking talented." Jahseh said, eating ice cream of his own.
"Im getting my car next week."

"Really?" Y/n said
"That was fast.

"Yeah, thats why I love this music shit." Lately Jahseh was gaining lots of attention for his music.

i wonder if he'll go on tour after graduation, hes got the fanbase for it.

"The music money is whatever, but the real shit comes in going on tour." He said.

"Thats what i was thinking." Y/n noticed out if the corner if her eye there was a group of girls eyeing them from the front if the parlor.

"You good?" Jahseh asked.

"Those girls they-" She cut herself off.
"Theyre coming over here."

Before he could say anything, they were at the table, a short lightskin, a darkskin with locs, and a girl with braids.

"Oh my fucking god, Xxx??" One of the girls said.

Jahseh smiled, looking up from his seated position.

The girls asked for a picture, almost shoving a phone in y/n's hands. She stood awkwardly, holding the camera as the girl pressed themselves against Jahseh for the picture.

I know he loves his fans, but i hate these bitches.

Then one if the girks snatched the phone back without so much as a thank you.

"Is this a date or something...?" One of the girls asked, looking at the now melted ice cream on the table.

"Girl shut up, you know that bitch aint his type!" another one whisper-yelled with a laugh.

Y/n's eyes widen before looking to Jahseh.

"Stop thats mean!" one of the girls laughed sarcastically.
"Can you come with us over there really quickly? We have a friend who's DYING to meet you!"

Jahseh looked at y/n, then back to the group of girls.

"...sure." he said with an awkward laugh. Y/n sat there dumbfounded, watching as the three girls walked away with her friend. The shorter girl turned her head as they walked off, mouthing 'bitch' before they got too far.

"Silently, y/n picked up her keys n walked towards the door. She got in her car and left, leaving Jahseh at the parlor.

if they want him so bad they can drive him home.

Opening the front door to her house, she noticed her mom and Marcus playing Mario kart in the living room.

"y/n! you wanna play??" Marcus yelled, not looking away from the screen.

Y/n looked at her phone then back at her family.

"Sure." She laughed, putting her phone on silent before sitting the floor between her mom and brother.


A Work Of Art (XXXTENTACION x reader)Where stories live. Discover now