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Just as expected, the next week during fall break for her school, Cleopatra contacted y/n about a painting. She was kind enough to buy all the materials and give her a place to work in their house that was bigger than the space in her bedroom. She even offered to take Aiden and Marcus down to the park during the days y/n worked on the piece since y/n's mother would be at work.

"You really didn't have to do all this." Y/n said, looking at the open space cleared for her in their living room.

"Don't even worry about it Sweetheart, are you sure this week will be enough time to finish it? It is a big piece." She asked.

"Oh definitely, no longer than a couple days." Y/n said, beginning to lay out her paints and materials.

"Thank you again y/n, this means so much to me."

"You're welcome Ms. Cleopatra."

"Oh please, call me Cleo, Ms. Cleopatra makes me feel old." She laughed.

Once cleo left with the boys, y/n opened the blinds in the living room windows and began to sketch. The canvas was large, Almost bigger than Marcus was. She played music at low volume from her phone, quietly humming to herself as she worked.

She had been sketching for maybe an hour or so before she heard someone shuffling down the stairs. It was Jahseh. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of sweats and no socks. They locked eyes for a moment before he silently went into the kitchen. Y/n shook her head, beginning to sketch once again. Maybe thirty minutes later, she could feel the presence of someone behind her. Jahseh was watching her draw.

She didn't turn around, but she didn't expect him to speak either. Then after a couple minutes, he left, retreating upstairs and closing his door. Then after a while she could hear muffled music from the stairs.

Y/n continued to work, penciling in detailes on the canvas. The picture she was painting was of a little boy holding a baby. The little boy had a low cut and looked to be around 11 or 12. He looked like Jahseh, so y/n assumed the baby was Aiden. He had a bright smile on his little face as he looked down at the baby.

it's hard for me to imagine Jahseh can smile at all.

She worked for hours until Cleo and the boys returned, then she decided to call it a night and get back to work the next day.


The next morning, She arrived at Cleo's house at the same time the day prior. Immediately she resumed work and Cleo took the boys off to do whatever she had planned for the day.

Y/n began painting today, but only the background. She used a neutral wash to bring the colors together. And just like yesterday, she quietly hummed to her music while she worked.

Around noon she heard the shower running upstairs, then maybe an hour later, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Jahseh didn't look at her as he entered the kitchen. Y/n listened as he made himself something to eat, then sat at the table across the room. He scrolled through his phone while he ate, not saying a word.

After eating, he walked up behind her again, towering over her sitting form, watching as she worked. This time it made her a little nervous, surely now he could tell the painting was of him. But as quietly as he came, he disappeared upstairs, and didn't come down for the rest of the day.


The third day, was more or less the same. Y/n began painting base colors today. Towards the middle of the day, Jahseh woke up, he showered, and he came downstairs to eat.

He spared her a glance as he entered the kitchen, beginning to cook for himself once again. Whatever he was making today smelled good, really good, but y/n minded her business.

Jahseh sat down at the table, he ate his food quietly and scrolled through his phone. Y/n looked over, just once, and noticed he had made eggs, bacon, and toast.

After he ate, routinely, he put his dishes away and stood behind y/n as she worked for a while. Then he was gone.


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