The Boy in a Large World

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(Y/N) looked around the park looking for anything. He found a forest by the park, a forest that made a loud and weird noise. (Y/N) was creeped out so he walked away. But his curiosity got the better of him. He ran into the forest to see what the noise was, but he found nothing. He ran and ran deeper into the forest but he couldn't find anything. Until he found it, he found something. A giant egg oozing with chocolate. Well (Y/N) was hungry so...

(Y/N): "Finally some food!"

(Y/N) ran to the egg and broke it open to reveal some kinda living chocolate bunny beast, a Beaster Bunny if you will. So (Y/N) did the one thing he was a pro at doing, eating live creatures. So he ate the bunny until it was no more. He then realised that since he's in the Ellsworld Universe which is basically the Eddsworld Universe, so wouldn't there be some Tori-Bot ruins around the area. So he leaves the forest to find the ruins of what was left behind. So he goes on his quest.

He walks past a lot of stuff like The MASSIVE Tool Store, The Movie Theater, The Arcade, but something that really got his 'I need to see that' boner going when he found the ruins of Ell's House. So he walked up towards its broken area. He saw some things from the house looking like it was burned, even some of the carpet or a little bit of Matt's or Matildas stuff scattered all over the place. She saw a teddy bear that looked like it survived. It was brown with a line for eyes at the normal dog mouth.

It was obviously some sort of female Tommee Bear, a Tammee Bear? It was cool to see the old house, but it was kinda boring. So he decided to go to an Apartment Complex nearby.

(Y/N): "Hey, can I get an apartment?"

Person Behind the Counter: "Ummmm, yeah sure"

The person typed something into their computer.

Person Behind the Counter: "Um, sir what is your name?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N)"

Person Behind the Counter: "Alright sir you are in room 69-E"

(Y/N): "Alright thanks"

(Y/N) walked toward the elevator to see a sign that said 'Broken Elevator, You Can Thank Steve, F*cking Steve'.

(Y/N): "You gotta be kidding me"

He then had to do something everyone in a wheelchair couldn't, walk up stairs... Or just walking in general. He walked up so many stairs and then walked across the hallway to his apartment. He then opens the door to see that the apartment already had been furnished.

(Y/N): "Huh, Neat" 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now