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(Y/N) and Tamara were being lazy sacks of laziness. Until Ell came over with her cat, Tequila.

Ell: "Hey Tamara and... The person who baby-sat Matilda that one time, can you take care of Tequila for a while while I go and find the best cola to ever walk the face of the earth?"

Tamara: "Yeah sure"

(Y/N): "hey what'll happen if I lose her"

Ell: "I will cremate you alive and use your ashes as baby powder and give it to a baby that just ate a crap ton of taco-bell"

(Y/N): "You got it!"

Ell: "Thank you :)"

Tamara: "No Problem"

Ell then puts Tequila down, kisses Tamara on the cheek and she leaves.

Tamara: "Alright (Y/N), there's one thing you gotta know about Ell, her cat is her second favourite thing"

(Y/N): "What's her favourite thing?"

Tamara: "Cola"

(Y/N): "Yep, anyway it can't be that hard"

-Meanwhile at a secret place... Also known as the Tori-Bot ruins-

Tori was sitting in her tori-bots head, waiting for Paulina and Payrica to finish finding (Y/N)'s File.

Tori: "Come on, just look for the (F/L/O/N)!"

Paulina: "We looked all over (F/L/O/N)! We can't find (Y/N)'s that look like (Y/N)!"

Tori: "Give it here eyebrows!"

Tori takes the files and looks through them all.

Tori: "Huh? Where is it? Nani?"

Paulina: "Told you!"

Tori: "But this can't be, everyone who ever was born or came to London has a file!"

Patyrica: "So what if he wasn't born, or came here?"

Tori: "Don't be stupid he can't just come out of thin air!"

Paulina: "Hmmmm, What if they got rid of his file?"

Tori: "But how?"

Patyrica: "What if he faked his death and they burnt the file with all the rest of the dead people"

Tori: "Don't be stupid, Edd Gould's File is right here"

Paulina: "Wait doesn't that say Ell?"

Tori: "Shut up, wrong universe you nitwits!"

Paulina: "Ok, ok, well why don't we just use our DNA Tori-der to just get his DNA and use that to get his file?"

Tori: "Huh? Well worth a fuckin' shot"

Patyrica: "C-Can you stop s-swearing s-so much?"

Tori: "I swear when the fuck I want bitch!"

Patryica: "S-Sure"


(Y/N): "Why did Ell kiss you on the cheek?"

Tamara: "Oh it's just a tease she does for me to have some Lesbian Panic, hehe"

(Y/N): "Wait you're lesbian?"

Tamara: "uhhh, yeah... Is that a problem?"

(Y/N): "What no? I'm not homophobic, now Homie-Phobic that's a whole different sto- ouch, as I was saying, if we're talking about being Homie-Phobic that's the whole different story"


Tori: "Finally my Tori-der is back, now for that precious, precious, file"

Tori takes the piece of (Y/N)'s DNA and uses it on her special computer and then finds a text saying, "No File For This DNA".

Tori: "What? No!, Let's see if there's DNA for this in the multiverse!"

Patyrica: "wouldn't that lead us to other (Y/N)s?"

Tori: "Shut up everyone from every multiverse has there own DNA"

Patyrica: "Ok, jeez"

Tori soon does her magic voodoo plot starter for the final act in this fanfiction and finds 1 match, a (Y/N) who travelled from one end of the multiverse, to another.

Tori: "What? That buffoon is the first to travel from one universe to another! Is this computer broken or something?"

Paulina: "Nop it's not, we have camera footage from London Park that shows (Y/N) appearing out of some grey smoke"

Tori: "What? Show me this footage?"

Paulina shows Tori footage of (Y/N) appearing in London Park out of grey smoke.

Tori: "No, no, NO! I want you! and you! To find me that brat!"

Paulina and Patyrica: "Yes ma'am!"

Tori: "Hehe, (Y/N) you don't know what's coming!"

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now