One Last Goodbye

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Tamara and Ell: "DAZEEM!"

Dazeem: "What?"

Ell: "GImme 3 wishes!"

Dazeem: "Ugh always asking for wishes, never ask how I've been"

Ell: "GImme 3 wishes!"

Dazeem: "fine you have 3 wishes and blah blah blah"

Ell: "I wish I could meet (Y/N) name again"

Dazeem: "Alright, your wish is granted"


It was 12:00AM in the morning and (Y/N) was watching YouTube on his phone. Soon some magical dust appeared as Ell and Tamara appeared out of nowhere.

(Y/N): "Ell? Tamara? What are you doing here?"

Ell: "Hey buddy, so this is where you went"

(Y/N): "What do you want"

Ell: "Just wanted to see where you went after the fight and stuff"

(Y/N): "Oh I came back to where I belong"

Tamara: "Oh really? I thought you were on the bloody moon"

(Y/N): Sarcasm?"

Tamara: "What do you think?"

(Y/N): "Yep"

Ell: "It's 12:00AM why are you awake?"

(Y/N): "Because?"

Ell: "Alright well you get to bed, we're gonna go now"

(Y/N): "You're not even gonna stay?"

Ell: "The moment you have a robot arm that makes cola appear outta no where is the moment I stay for a bit"

Tamara: "Goodnight"

(Y/N): "Yeah goodnight"

Ell: "Seeya"

Ell then goes into the grey smoke and she disappears.

Tamara: "Hey (Y/N), Take this"

Tamara pulls out a bottle of  Smirnoff.

(Y/N): "r-really"

Tamara: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Last I grabbed one of these I got stabbed in the dick"

Tamara: "Seriously, it's all yours"

(Y/N) grabs the bottle off of Tamara. Tamara then punched (Y/N) in the nose, making it bleed.

(Y/N): "Hey what the hell"

Tamara: "You should remember, never touch my Smirnoff!"

Tamara then takes her smirnoff back.

Tamara: "No but seriously, take this"

Tamara gives (Y/N) a blue hair tie from hoodie pocket and gives it to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What's this for?"

Tamara: "Something to remember me by"

(Y/N): "Huh, neat"

Tamara: "Seeya around (Y/N)"

(Y/N): "I don't think I'll see you anytime soon"

Tamara: "Oh yeah before I go"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Tamara pulls out something very special.

(Y/N): "My Box!"

Tamara: "Yeah an Ell from another universe said she hated you and me for making out in my room or something I don't know, but it has your name on it so I might as well give it to you"

(Y/N): "I'm sorry what?"

Tamara: "I don't know maybe we dated or we were friends with benefits or some shit, just take the box"

(Y/N) grabs the box and puts the hair tie inside.

Tamara: "Alright bye!"

(Y/N): "ok well Matilda didn't tell me about anything"

Tamara: "So how do you know about the necor-"

(Y/N) shoved Tamara back into the grey dust as she disappeared outta nothing.

-The End-

Matt Hargreaves: "I really gotta stop reading fanfiction" 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now