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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep. (Y/N) woke up in the hospital with bandages all over where he was shot. Soon a nurse walked into the room.

Nurse: "Hello sir, I'm Nurse Roy and I'll be your nurse"

(Y/N): "What the hell happened?"

Nurse Roy: "It looked like you got shot in a car crash"

(Y/N): "What about the kid?"

Nurse Roy: "Oh uhh, he didn't make it... sorry"

(Y/N): "phew"

Nurse Roy: "You will have to stay here for a few nights and blah blah blah!"

(Y/N): "Alright cool"

Nurse Roy: "Ok bye :)"

Nurse Roy kisses (Y/N) on the cheek and leaves.

-T I M E S K I P-

>Accept Timeskip                Don't Accept Timeskip

(Y/N) was half asleep until he saw a shadow looking at him through the curtains. The curtains then slowly opened.

(Y/N): "Ah piss off before I throw something at you!"

The curtains fully open as a guy with short blue hair runs into the room and looks inside (Y/N)'s draws.

(Y/N): "Huh, who are you"

???: "No time to explain!"

(Y/N): "Uhhh?"

???: "Bingo!"

The blue haired guy grabs some meds, and swallows them.

(Y/N): "Now do you have time to explain"

???: "oh uhhh, hi I'm Lauren"

(Y/N): "Ok? Why did you come in here and grab pills"

Lauren: "I need these pills at this exact time or I'll go insane"

(Y/N): "Ok?"

-Timeskip Deez Nuts!-

(Y/N) and Lauren and had a conversation and became mates and shit. (Y/N) even promised that he can move in with him in his apartment. So Lauren left to go back to bed and (Y/N) did the same.

Author Note: Lol tomorrow is October 28th, or for a more simple term... It's my birthday tomorrow (Same birthday as Edd Gould humble brag). So I decided to post now...   

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