Feeling Blue?

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It was late at night and (Y/N) was up and watching YouTube. He looked at his clock, 11:37PM. He needed to use the bathroom badly so he ran to his bathroom to see that it was destroyed.

(Y/N): "Shit... Shouldn't of eaten Taco Bell"

(Y/N) then remembered that there was a bathroom in the lobby. So (Y/N) ran faster than any kid on christmas day down the stairs. He ran so fast that Sonic the Hedgehog would look like a snail. He ran down to the lobby and then into the bathroom. He finally made it, and he took the greatest piss of his life.

He then walked up the stairs again, finally at inner peace. He was walking back to his apartment until he heard something coming from one of the apartments. He put his ear close to the door to hear someone crying. He knocked on the door.

(Y/N): "Uhhh? Hello"

I heard footsteps coming closer to the door, the door knob then turned and the door opened. In the apartment was Tamara? I managed to be in the same complex as Tamara, and Matilda and Ell and stuff.

Tamara: "H-Hi, can I help you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, were you crying before?"

Tamara: "Huh, n-no I was j-just, sweating out my eyes? No wait, that's gross, I mean I was"

(Y/N): "So you were crying?"

Tamara: "Huh no! I wasn't... fine I was crying"

Tamara was touching her finger tips like all the cute anime girls do. (Y/N) couldn't control himself and he gave her a hug.

Tamara: "Huh what the- I don't need a-"

(Y/N): "Yes you do :)"

Tamara then sits on the couch covered in alcohol stains and bottles. I found a spot that wasn't filled with alcohol.

(Y/N): "So why were you crying?"

Tamara: "Huh, why do you care?"

(Y/N): "Cause I wanna know"

Tamara: "No"

Tamara was about to grab a bottle of her alcohol until he grabbed it outta her hands. He then held it up high so she couldn't reach.

(Y/N): "Tell me why and I'll give you the bottle"

Tamara: "Give it, stop being a dick!"

(Y/N): "NO!"

She then grabbed a pencil and stabbed him in the dick with it. He fell to the floor.

(Y/N): "Ah, FUCK!"

Tamara then started drinking. He got back on the couch and the two talked for a while, she told him her name and he told her his.

(Y/N): "Alright well I gotta go"

(Y/N) got off the couch and started walked towards the door, but then Tamara grabbed him by the hand.

Tamara: "Wait don't go"

(Y/N): "Why?"

Tamara: "Cause I want you to stay"

(Y/N): "I'm already never gonna give normal sex with you cause of the stabbing in the dick, so I'm outta here"

(Y/N) left the room and back up to his apartment. 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now