Red Leader and her Red Army

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Tori: "So Lauren, you know (Y/N) (L/N)?"

Lauren: "uhhhh, yeah?"

Tori: "Well Lauren we can do this the easy way or the hard way, The easy way is you tell me where (Y/N) is, the hard way is when I turn you into a kebab"

Tori soon reveals a sharp sword that has the similarities to a toothpick.

Lauren: "I-I don't know where (Y/N) is, he left without telling me"

Tori: "Last chance you hair dye wearing FUCK!"

Lauren: "I-I don't kno NOOOOO!"


Tori soon stabbed Lauren and watched as his lifeless corpse fell to the floor.

Tori: "Well if he's not gonna tell us, I guess we're gonna have to send some people out"

-Timeskip at a Red Army Assembly-

Tori: "Everyone, welcome to the first Red Army Meeting, from know on you will call me ma'am"

Everyone but Tori: "Ma'am yes Ma'am"

Tori: "Now today I have found the best way to achieve world domination, I will need everyone with a red dot in your chairs arm rest, you will be going out and finding a man who has the power to travel universes, He looks something like this"

Tori shows a photo of (Y/N) on the screen.

Tori: "The person who successfully kills him will take place of Patyrica, not Paulina tho, She's always the #1 best soldier, all of you with green on your arm rests will be with me working on the greatest doomsday creation of all time and soon the world will be ours!"

Everyone but Tori: Ma'am yes Ma'am!"

Tori: "Now Go!"

Soon everyone who had red on the arm rest ran outside with guns in their hands. The green people followed Tori into a lab.

Tori: "Alright Nitwits the creation I made is very dangerous"

Person: "What is it exactly?"

Tori: "It's something that can break reality as it will, the only problem is that it has to be connected to someone, so who wants to be my special person?"

Person: "Can't you just use it on yourself, you've got a robot arm?"

Tori: "Shut Up Smarty Pants, because this one person WILL DIE!"

Person: "Oh no, not me"

Tori: "Ok you then"

Tori pointed to the person who didn't want to, she then threw the object at the person and watched as they died of death.

Tori: "Bingo, hehehe hahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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