*Chuckles* I'm In Danger!

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(Y/N) was watching as Hailycard and Tamara fight.

Hailycard: "He's Mine!"

Tamara: "He's Mine!"

Hailycard: "He's Mine!"

Tamara: "He's Mine!"

Hailycard: "He's Mine!"

Tamara: "He's Mine!"

Hailycard: "He's Mine!"

Tamara: "Fuck you!"

(Y/N)'s Phone: "*Emergency Notification Noises*"

All 3 of them: "Huh?"

Emergency Notification

Today the Dead become living, Zombeh's are
in the streets, please stay inside and lock
doors and border windows. We will update you
on the situation when we get more information.

All 3: "Uh oh"

(Y/N) grabs Tamara and Hailycard and then runs into a nearby building. He then locks the door behind him and starts barricading the windows.

(Y/N): "Alright I'mma make a bet with you two, Whoever survives this, I will move in with... If both of you die, I'll live in Tamara apartment cause fuck you Hailycard"

Tamara: "What if we both survive"

(Y/N): "Then Tamara wins"

Hailycard: "Oh what the fuck!"

(Y/N): "Shut up!"

(Y/N) looks out the window and sees Tori and Matilda as zombehs. He also saw another zombeh.

Zombeh Matilda: "What is your name fellow Zombeh"

Zombeh: "Bbbbrrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnssssssssss!"

Zombeh Tori: "Private Brains?"

Zombeh: "*Zombeh Noises*"

Zombeh Matilda: "Ey, Private Brains, Let's see if you live up to your name"

The Two Zombehs then look over at (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Do we have the Necronomicon?"

Tamara went from normal to shock.

Tamara: "How do you know about the Necronomicon?"

(Y/N): "uuhhh, internet?"

Tamara: "oh... Well no"

Soon zombehs bust open the door like it was Minecraft on Hard Mode.

Hailycard: "Well we got any last words?"

Tamara: "Umm, I'm confused on how a bowling ball and a watermelon could make me!"

Hailycard: "I can't say the girl in the green hoodies name!"

Tamara: "Trust me, we know"

(Y/N): "Oh, I'm actually from another-"

Soon all three of them got grabbed before (Y/N) could finish his sentence. They get dragged onto the roof.

(Y/N): "Huh?"

The 3 of them are met by Paulina and Patyrica.

Paulina: "Phew, you were almost bitten, Come on let's go!"

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now