The Ell Sucks Army

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Elrena: "Well, Well, Well, you sacks of crap, Now we are all named the Ell Sucks Army... Cause Ell sucks and this is an army... Boom"

Ell: "Hey!"

Marco: "Shhhhh!"

Elrena: "Ok the plan is simple, we go to Tori's Red Army Base and then kill her, that easy"

Matilda: "Hehe, Thats easy"

Tamara: "What happened to (Y/N)?"

Ell: "Huh where did he go?"

Elrena: "LETZ GO!"

The Ell Sucks Army runs towards the Red Army Base. They all then bust open into the door and runs up and up the stairs into the torture room.

Ell: "Hey Tamara, remember when you asked where (Y/N) is?"

Tamara: "Yeah?"

Ell: "That"

Ell points to (Y/N)'s dead body.

Tamara: "Jesus Christ"

The Army then ran up more stairs all the way to Tori's office. Elrena then bust open the door so the army can run in.

Tori: "Why hello, I wasn't expecting guests"

Elrena: "People, FIRE!"

The Army then starts shooting at Tori, but she had a shield on.

Tori: "Dumbasses"

Elrena: "RUN!"

The entire army ran out the building and back to Elrena's house, if only they knew what was coming up. 

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