What the Hell?

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While (Y/N) was running far and far away from the mall he fell into a hole in the floor. He soon woke up in a place where he is probably going to for his after-life... Hell. There he meets Satan himself and some demons.

Satan: "Hello there, I am Satan from the bible"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah the thing that I put in the fantasy section with this thing called woman's rights (for legal reasons this is a joke)"

Satan: "Shut the hell up! I have a twitter and I watch YouTubers who swear!"

(Y/N): "Oh dear god!"

Satan: "Now meet my demon butlers, Micheal, Isaac, John and PancakeFan69"


(Y/N): "Why do they all have normal names and there's just one that probably said something racist on Call of Duty?"

Satan: "Shut up! (Y/N) the only way I'll bring you back to earth is if you do some shit for me"

(Y/N): "Ok, what is it?"

Satan: "First I want you to bring this place some more flames!"

(Y/N): "Uhhh, It's already on fire"

Satan: "Burn!"

(Y/N): "Ok, Ok"

(Y/N) then poured a whole bunch of gasoline everywhere and then lit it up. Bringing more flames.

(Y/N): "There done"

Satan: "Huh, Neat anyway I want you to kill Isaac, he makes me feel uncomfortable"

(Y/N): "Like the demon?"

Satan: "Yes! Kill him"

(Y/N): "Alright, hey Isaac!"

Isaac: "What!"

(Y/N): "A pizza is a circle, it's in a square box, and it gets turned into triangles"

Isaac: "W-What, w-why, aaaaahhhhhh!"

Soon Isaac's head exploded into a million pieces.

(Y/N): "Wow, that was the bomb"

Satan: "Shut up! Your final task, say TomTord is the best ship known to man"

(Y/N): "No!"

Satan: "Fine, you get no bitches anyway"

(Y/N): "Fine, TomTord is the best ship"

Satan: "Ok good, enjoy earth I guess"

(Y/N): "Haha! Suck my dick I had my fingers crossed!"

Satan: "No! NOOOOOO!"

(Y/N) woke up on the streets, going back to being homeless. 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now