What Was There Before

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Today is the day, today is the day (Y/N) is gonna find the Tori-Bot ruins, or so he wanted to believe. He got up and got dressed and walked out of his apartment. He walked down the flight of stairs and out the complex. He then started his search for Tori-Bot ruins he desperately wanted to see.


(Y/N) was climbing the mountain that claimed to hold the Tori-Bot ruins. He finally climbed to the top and beheld the Tori-Bot ruins. Obviously he wanted to explore, it's not everyday where you get to see something from a web-toon. Well now it is seeing his wish, but it was still epic. He looked over at the head and ran up to it. He saw the harpoon still impaled into the head with dry blood on the seat. But then he heard footsteps so he ran behind the giant robotic arm. Walking up the mountain was Tori, Paulina and Patyrica.

Tori: "All you two start grabbing some shit, I'm gonna need it!"

Paulina and Patyrica: "Yes ma'am!"

(Y/N) knew that he was gonna get caught so he had to leave quietly. He slowly walked to the cliff and slid down... Very loudly. The 3 girls looked over at the cliff.

Tori: "Who's there?!"

(Y/N): "Shit"


(Y/N) started to run faster than anyone after eating taco-bell. But Tori noticed him running. Paulina and Patyrica just stared at him running.

Tori: "What are you two doing? Get the fucker!"

Paulina: "Uh yes ma'am!"

The two girls chase after (Y/N). So (Y/N) pulled a GTA and stole a car and started driving, trying to lose the duo. He soon did and ran back to the complex, up the stairs, and into his apartment.

(Y/N): "Phew... I got away"

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now