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Tori released her army of HERS out into the world. But there was only one place Tori hadn't taken over, The North Pole. So she goes onto her 'Machine that comes outta mid air to help someone from Norway with a red hoodie go and do a Christmas thing in November'. She then flew all the way to Santa's Workshop.

Tori: "Finally, now time to end Christmas before December, Maria Carey will never haunt another soul on Christmas again"

Tori walks inside Santa's Workshop to see the elves making Toys. Tori then threw a bomb in the middle of the factory and watched as the whole place blew up into 0 pieces, seeing how Santa's Workshop is magical and shit.

Santa: "Ho Ho Ho, Who tried blowing up my factory!"

Tori: "Hey you! Get on a diet you fat bitch!"

Santa: "Oh Tori, your 100% on the Naughty List this year"

Tori: "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Hehe FECK YOU!"

Tori pulled out two tome guns and started shooting at all the elves and then at Santa.

Santa: "You can't kill Santa Claws, hehehe"

Tori: "Shut the fuck up you Ho Ho Hoe"

Santa: "Well ok then... Tori"

Santa peeled off his skin to reveal...

Tori: "Zanta Claws!"

Zanta: "Hahaha!"

Tori started shooting Zanta but Zanta was two quick for her.

Tori: "Son of a bitch"

Zanta: "This is what you get for using real guns in paintball!"

Zanta stole Tori's guns and started shooting her but Tori ran behind a toy making machine.

Tori: "Shit"

Tori pulls out her phone and calls someone.


Tori: "Paulina, get your ass to Santa's Workshop and help me"

Paulina: "Sure be there in 5 seconds"

-5 Seconds Later-

Paulina bust open a window and pins Zanta to the floor.

Zanta: "What the? Why are your eyebrows so big"

Paulina takes the cigarette out of her mouth and burnt Zanta's hand with it.

Zanta: "Ouch! What the?"

Paulina then crushed Zanta's head and watched as his head went everywhere. Tori then walked outta her hiding spot.

Tori: "I knew you could do it Paulina"

Paulina: "G thanks I guess"

Tori: "That's why I like you! You have that attitude"

Paulina: "Thanks?"

Tori: "God damn it you might turn me Bi soon"

Paulina: "Just get in the plane"

Tori: "Stop it!"

Paulina then dragged Tori into the plane and they flew off. 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now