5 People and a Vaccine

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(Y/N), Tamara, Hailycard, Paulina and Patyrica were running from a massive crowd of Zombehs.

(Y/N): "What's the plan?"

Paulina: "We have good news, and we have bad news"

(Y/N): "What's the good news!"

Paulina: "We have a vaccine!"

(Y/N): "What's the bad news!"

Paulina: "We gotta go to the 'Convenient Place You Go To Save The World From A Zombeh Apocalypse'"

They run and run until they make it to 'Convenient Place You Go To Save The World From A Zombeh Apocalypse'. But to get the the top, where they put the vaccine they gotta climb 'The Ladder That Makes This Chapter Longer'. But (Y/N) remembered his genie wish.

(Y/N): "Gimme the vaccine"

Paulina: "Ok"

Paulina passed the vaccine to (Y/N). They then all start climbing the ladder. The Zombeh's started climbing up the ladder, following the gang.

(Y/N): "Piss off Zombeh's!"

(Y/N) then throws Hailycard down the ladder to get eaten, buying them some more time. They climb and climb. But Paulina gets grabbed.

Tamara: "NOOOO!!!!"

(Y/N): "Your massive eye-brows will live on"

(Y/N) soon makes it to the top.

(Y/N): "I DID IT! Now what do I do?"

Patyrica: "Put the needle in the hole!"


Patyrcia: "What's funny?"

(Y/N): "hehe, it's like sex"

Patyrica: "Ugh that's so ima- AAAAHHHHHH!"

Patyrica soon gets eaten by Zombehs.

(Y/N): "Ok put this in the hole, hehe"

(Y/N) put the needle in the hole and by some stuff happening the whole world is cured from being a zombeh. 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now