The Dudes Tori Won

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Tori was on her throne shuffling cards outta boredom. Until Paulina came in with Tori's lunch.

Paulina: "There's your lunch Tori"

Tori: "Why thank you"

Paulina: "Yeah no problem"

Tori grabbed her lunch from Paulina.

Tori: "Hey Pauly, What would you do if I say you could never work again"

Paulina: "I would say my last words cause I'd be dead if I stopped working"

Tori: "Well I've got these two gay guys I use to fight Ell over, there names are Kimball and Cathernus, get them and you'll never work again"

Paulina: "Alright, be right back!"

Paulina soon ran off to find the two gay couple.

-Meanwhile MotherForker-

Ell was thinking of what to do in her broken apartment that could at any moment become Justin Beibers Carrer... Broken. Tamara was drunk and Matilda was sleeping.

Ell: "What do I do? What should I do?"

Tamara: "Why don't you j-just join E-Elrena"

Ell: "Tamara, you're drunk"

Tamara: "No you're drunk!"

Ell: "ugh, maybe you're right"

Tamara: "No I'm drunk! You just got drunk!"

Ell: "Alright come on drunky"

Tamara: "I'm the not drunky and you're the yes drunky!"

Ell: "Matilda!"

Matilda woke up.

Matilda: "AH, Not the face!"

Ell: "Matilda it's just me"

Matilda: "I stand by my word"

Ell: "Come on you two, follow me"

Ell led Matilda and dragged Tamara all the way to Elrena's house. She then rings the doorbell. Soon Elrena opens the door.

Elrena: "Well, Well, Well, look who showed up"

Ell: "Can I join your team?"

Elrena: "What was that"

Ell: "Can I join your team?!"

Elrena: "Say that one more time?"


Elrena: "Hehe just messing with you... No"

Ell: "Please I'm begging!"

Elrena: "Ok fine, say the password and I'll let you in"

Ell: "Ugh... Fine, I'm a smelly butthead who likes to wears dresses"

Elrena: "and the rest?"

Ell: "I eat poo"

Elrena: "Hehehe, alright come in you nitwits"

Ell, Matilda and Tamara walk into the house.


Paulina finally comes back with Kimball and Cathernus.

Paulina: "There's your gay boys"

Tori: "Congrats Paulina, you're free to do whatever"

Paulina: "Sweet"

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