Painful Kink

194 4 44

(Y/N) was in his box just vibing. Until someone very familiar walks past him, someone from Norway descends... It was Tori, ok.

Tori: "Huh? You!"

(Y/N): "Well nice to meet you again! Thanks for the bullets"

Tori: "How did you survive?"

(Y/N): "I have no idea!"

Tori: "Oh yeah well you're ugly!"

(Y/N): "People say you learn from your mistakes, that's why YOU'RE AN ONLY CHILD!"

Tori: "*gasp* well hehe, FUCK YOU!"

Tori grabs a match and burns the box into flames. (Y/N) gets out the box in time and watches and it turns into Edd Gould... I mean ashes.

(Y/N): "The things I'm gonna do to you will make Mortal Kombat characters shit themselves"

Tori: "Huh what the fu-"

(Y/N) jumps on top of Tori and strangles her. They soon start fighting, fighting. They first bash into a mirror store, with... No Matilda?

(Y/N): "Hehe relationships can start here, NOT WITH US THO!"

(Y/N) then throws Tori into a shit ton of mirrors, and Matilda.

(Y/N): "Oh there she is... Sorry Matilda!"

Tori then gets up with a bloody nose.

(Y/N): "Voldemorts lucky, he doesn't get one of those!"


Tori then starts chasing (Y/N) into an Apple Store. (Y/N) then soon throws a bunch of phones and macbooks.

(Y/N): "If only this was your stuff!"

Tori: "Only people a very big brain will get this reference"


(Y/N) then starts beating the ever so living shit outta Tori.

Tori: "*moans* do it harder daddy!"

(Y/N): "What in Justin Bieber's Asshole?"

Tori: "Do it harder, beat me like I'm a worthless little shit"

(Y/N): "Oh hell nah I like virginity!"

(Y/N) then starts running out the mall. He then starts running and running until he gets as far from the mall as possible. 

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now