The Clones

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Tori has created the biggest army. But the biggest army is also the dumbest army. So the only way to give these soldiers brains is to replace all but one of them with Herself. So she went to an old friend to do the cloning.

Ding Dong Motherfuckers

A woman in a white buttoned T-Shirt and blue pants and a Woman in a suit and tie open the door.

Tori: "Hello Kristy and Laurel"

Kristy: "Hello Tori"

Tori: "Alright dumbasses I want you to clone me a million times!"

Kristy: "Why?"

Tori: "You've done it once, do it again or I'll skin you!"

Kristy: "*Sigh* fine"

Tori: "Good girl"

Kirsty grabbed a single hair off Tori and then cloned a million spares of her (hehe, cheap reference).


Tamara: "Stupid Elrena and her stupid catchphrase, just say Well once! You don't need it 3 times!"

Ell: "We don't need Elrena"

Matilda: "I can just get rid of Tori with a beautiful, beautiful face"

Ell: "*sigh* it's gonna be a long night"

Tamara: "Huh? It's only 12:00PM"

Ell: "Exactly"

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