World Domination

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Tori has successfully killed (Y/N), Now that (Y/N) can't stop her she is pretty much invincible, it didn't take long for her to take over the universe as the London Army Retreated and The Red Army took over. Tori changed the flag and killed anyone she didn't like... So she was just a female Hitler to be honest.

-Meanwhile at the Apartment Complex-

Tamara ran out of her complex and ran into Ell's apartment to make sure that she didn't get kidnapped or something. But when she opened the door she saw Ell on the back of her couch crying.

Tamara: "Ell, are you ok?"

Ell: "N-No"

Tamara: "What's wrong?"

Tamara sits down next to Ell.

Ell: "I don't wanna die!"

Tamara: "Don't worry Ell, we're gonna get that commie and that ugly hoodie isn't the only thing turning red!"

Ell: "Oh what's the point"

Tamara: "What's the point? WHAT'S THE POINT! Ell we've bet Tori before, we can do it again!"

Ell: "R-Really"

Tamara: "If we fail I'll give away my harpoon gun"

Ell: "W-well ok then"

Tamara: "That was a joke by the way, that harpoon gun is never leaving"

Ell: "I Know"

Tamara: "Alright come on, I got a plan"

Ell and Tamara got up off the floor and walked out the door to hear a familiar,

???: "Well, Well, Well!"

Ell: "ElReNa!"

Elrena: "What are you two doing here?"

Ell: "Well if you must know, we're going to stop Tori"

Elrena: "Stop Tori, we've already got one of her soldiers"

Elrena revealed a bet up Patryrica.

Ell: "I'm sorry 'we've'?"

???: "Yes"

Tamara: "*gasp* Marco!"

Ell: "Pollo!"

Marco: "You idiots are the people eating the sand in the sand pit while we're the people building the sand-castles"

Ell: "No you're eating sand and we're building sand castles!"

Tamara: "Why do you even wanna stop Tori anyway? What has she done to you!?"

Elrena: "Because that douchebag killed Joan!"

Tamara: "Oh that's right"

Ell: "So?"

Elrena: "So get out the way twerp!"

Elrena shoved Ell to the side as she walked past.

Ell: "rude!"

Tamara: "Don't worry about it, she's not gonna do crap!"

Ell: "Fair"

Tamara: "Exactly, let's go get Matilda"

Wrong Wish: Ellsworld x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now