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1st year.

Sirus pov.


I woke up to see the dorm rooms empty, everyone went back home for the holidays. James invited me to go and spend Christmas with his family in the South, but I turned it down since my family spend it there aswell. This was my first Christmas without being home with my family.

I got dressed and headed down to the great hall, the place was empty except for a few students. I sit down and put some food down to eat, the food looked amazing and I was happy to see lots of it. I see dracas sitting by herself on the slytherin table, hey dracas come sit with me and let's eat together I said. Thanks I forgot you were here for Christmas dracas said.

Well I can't spend it with james since he's in the south, peter and remus are spending it with their families I said. How you coping since being free from your parents dracas asked, I'm still getting used to this new life since, I was under so much pressure and control I said. It will take time for you to get used to it, you spent your whole childhood with them and I know it won't be easy dracas said.

I wish I can see my brother again I miss him alot I said, I wonder why remus is back dracas said. I was shocked since he only left a few days ago, I turn to see him walking over to us. What are you doing here I thought you were with your family I said, my parents had to vist one of my relatives and they asked I don't be there remus said. Well it's good your here we are so bored dracas said, I can tell as I walked in here remus said.

I see both dumbledore and mcgonical walk over to me, they really helped me through everything. I opened up to them alot since I have no one to talk to anymore. We came over to see how you are since it the first Christmas without your family mcgonical said. I'm ok I just don't know how to feel I said, it's normal try to enjoy the day as much as you can dumbledore said.


I was in the dorm room when I heard the door open, I look up to see remus walking in. So how long are we keeping our love life a secret remus said, I don't know but I'm worried about everyone's reaction I said. You don't have to be worried about that, I know your still trying to cope with this new lifestyle remus said.

I know I guess all the things my parents have done, I'm worried about people's opinions now I said. Never let what your parents did to you, ever forget that someone is here for you every day remus said. Yeah your right babe, let's wait another few weeks to tell them I said, hopefully james and the others aren't going to be mad remus said.

We played some games as he started to cheer me up again, the advice him and the others are giving me is starting to help me through the dark times in my life. Its making me feel like I started my life again and be a happy person, like I never have done before.

Remus pov.

As we started playing some games, I saw his beautiful smile that made me fall in love. I knew this would be a hard time for him, as he was celebrating Christmas for the first time without his family. He's not told me who's in there but, I know there's someone he's missing alot and isn't ready to talk about them.

I had a letter from james worried about sirus being in his own, even I was worried about him aswell. I can see he was trying his hardest to to be stronger than all of us, I pull out his Christmas present and gave it to him. He was surprised and opened it up, it was a photo frame of all of us together. He started crying, I knew he would love this gift alot.

Thank you remus, I love it and im sorry for not getting you anything for you sirus said. It doesn't matter as long as you love the gift I'm happy for you I said, he comes over and gives me a massive hug and kiss. I think this has made his first Christmas away from his parents, special and now a great one for him.

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