family reunion

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Sirus pov.


I woke up to see it was a sunny Saturday morning. I didn't want to get up yet as it was a Saturday, sirus wake up we said we go hogsmade today james said. I don't want to let me sleep I said, fine I'll get someone else to wake you up james said. He leaves as I go back to sleep not a care who was coming.

I hear the door open and felt two arms around me, common babe we all agreed to go hogsmade today remus said. I turn around and see it was remus, But I don't want to, I want to keep sleeping I said. I know but when we come back you can sleep again remus said. Ugh fine but you are letting me sleep on your chest when we come back I said.

Remus hands me my clothes for the day and got ready. Why couldn't we stay in bed for another few hours I said, stop complaining will you babe it's not even that bad remus said. You know bed sounds fun I'll see you when you get back I said. Not happening, now sit down and eat were leaving in a few minutes remus said.

I look over to my brothers table and notice some of the slytherins parents. I see my parents and uncle and aunt here, I look over to the entrance and see my grandparents walk in with bella and narcissa. I hadn't seen my grandfather after the family reunion, as I was blamed.

So who was going to tell me, that my family were here I said. We hoped you wouldn't notice them here James said, too late you know I'm not in contact with them I said. We know mcgonical said its best you try to ignore them peter said as we finished eating.


We were in hogsmade finishing the shopping for school. I didn't know why my family were there, I wasn't in the mood for any family reunions. I don't know why but I have a feeling they were up too something, but it has something to do with them being here.

We were finally done, we left and headed back to school. We walked into the great hall to see everyone was eating tea. You could have done this by yourself I said, Well we wanted you to be far away from you know who remus said. We sit down to eat some lunch, I hadn't notice my parents were in here aswell.

You seem alot tired these days sirus james said, blame the nightmares all it does is bring back my childhood memories I said. Yeah well you'll end up with getting happy dreams peter said. Everyone has been saying that for years and it has never happened I said. Calm down babe you can sleep when we head back to the dorm rooms remus said.

I look over and see my grandparents look at me, they looked sad to see me sit somewhere else. I got up to head back to the dorm rooms, I ran into my father as he was walking back to the great hall. Sirus long time no see you have grown up orion said, yeah it has I said. I was hoping to run into you, your grandparents want to spend some time with you orion said.

Common sirus let's go outside and spend some time together nana said. I turn around to see my grandparents standing there. Great looks like I'm not getting any sleep right now, we head outside in the sitting area. Well thank goodness we got you away from your dad grandpa said.


We started talking about everything, I was happy to talk to them after so long. I was told why my grandpa was distant towards me at the party a few months ago. It was because he was seeing me for the first time, and he felt like it was my parents fault in the end.

So regulas and your cousins have told us what you have been up to these years nana said. No suprise they told me everyone was worried about me after my first year I said. Well can you blame us, we don't know what you have been up to for three years grandpa said.

So what have they told you, I don't know much about I said. Well they said your staying with a friend of yours during the summer and Christmas holidays, and you have a boyfriend nana said. Great, they can never keep things quiet, but yes I have a boyfriend I said.

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