Sirus pov.
I woke up to someone shaking me, I was not in the mood for this. I pushed them off the bed to hear someone coming up the stairs, what's going on prongs remus asked. Your boyfriend pushed me off the bed that's what's going on James said. That's not like him to do that lily said, yeah well he's in a bad mood for some reason James said.
Everyone leave the room will join you once he's awake remus said. I hear the door close behind them, as it was just me and remus here. His hand was going up and my back, I know your awake so what's got you in a bad mood remus said. I turn around to see him sat next to me, I'm just not in a good mood right now moony I said.
Well let's get ready we are heading to hogsmade today for the first time remus said. Alright but let's go and have some fun I said, here's your clothes and make sure to apologise to James for pushing him off the bed remus said. He walks out the room so I can get ready, kreacher I know your in here what were you thinking doing that I said.
Sorry master sirus, i wanted them to leave kreacher said, all you had to do was wait for me to wake up not put me in a bad mood I said. Your uncle needed me to hurry up since your parents will be back soon kreacher said. How is my grandparents and uncle alphard I said, there good master just missing you alot kreacher said.
He hands me the box and leaves, I open it and there was a new jacket for me. I saw a letter from my great grandfather, I put it under my pillow to read later. I got ready and headed down to see remus and the others were gone. I was mad they said they would wait until I come down. I grabbed some breakfast as I was hungry and was talking to reg.
I was in hogsmade getting some school supplies for the month. The whole place was beautiful to look at, there were so many Places to explore. I was about to go in a sweet shop when I saw remus and the others with some new people. I knew this was the reason they left without me. I walked away so didn't have to see them right now, as I wasn't going to deal with this right now.
I remembered this shop uncle alphard and my great grandfather used to take me. I went in as it was still the same, sirus black is that you, I turn around to see it was angelica. Angelica its been a while how are you I asked, I'm good it feels weird seeing you all grown up Angelica said. Well I'm here visiting my father since its been too long since I saw him angelica said.
I heard about your great grandfather, I hope your ok angelica said. Thanks I'm trying my hardest to get through it alot I said, that's good to hear do you want to grab some lunch before I head home angelica said. Yeah why not we need to catch up on alot I said, we head to a near by cafe. I didn't realise that remus and the others were in here, we sat down together and started chatting with each other.
I can't believe your parents disowned because you were in a different house than the one they expected angelica said. Same here, my grandparents always said I was different then my brother and cousins I said. Well it's true since you were never the type who was aggressive angelica said. So how's school these days, have you found some one yet I asked.
Its been good, I definitely hated it at first but grew to like it, but I have a girlfriend angelica said. Since when I saw Mark in the holidays and he never mentioned it to me I said. For about a few years and seriously, you saw Mark in the holidays angelica asked. Yeah me and my best friend were shopping for some things and I ran into him I said.
Well I need to head back before my mom gets mad at me, and it was great to see you again sirus angelica said. You too say hi to Mark for me and I hope to see you again I said, she soon left. I look and see remus and a boy being all touchy, I rolled my eyes and walked away from them.