the attack.

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Remus pov

It's been a few days since we were told we couldn't leave the castle. The days we spent have been boring as we can only go inside or the courtyard but we can't help what we were told to do. It's made sirus angry as he was told he couldn't go to the party but his aunt and grandparents understood he wasn't able to go.


We head down for breakfast as sirus was over at the slytherin table and talked to his cousins. I could tell he was sad that he couldn't attend the party like his grandparents wanted him to but he was sad he couldn't be there for the first time In 3 years.

It was a Saturday and we were planning to head to hogsmade but we decided we would be staying inside and study together. This is stupid we already have our plans cancelled due to the killer here but now we can't go to hogsmade and I need some things there James said. I know how you feel but we can't change what happened lilly said.

Yeah but now we have a killer after us as we didn't know he was a killer that escaped prison Mary said. Sirus comes over and joins us he looked like he was tired and hadn't got any sleep. Then mcgonical comes over and checks on us as we exhausted and looking like we don't want to stay inside all the time.

I feel someone's head on my shoulder and it was sirus I knew he was tired as he likes to put his head on my shoulder all the time. We start to eat and talk to each other so the time would go faster so we don't feel like we can't do anything while stuck inside. The only place we are allowed is the sitting areas in the castle.


We were finishing off with the work as everyone was sitting on my bed. Sirus was just on my chest and hadn't notice he fell asleep. So how long do you think this is going to last James said. Who knows but let's just focus on getting this done dracos said.

Yeah but let's be quite sirus has fallen asleep Mary said. I looked down and saw he was fast asleep on me and was cute. I sit up and put him to the side so I could write and help the others out so it could be ready for Monday. So how long do you think he's going to move back to your chest Mary said. I would give it a minute he doesn't like sleeping on a pillow he prefers to sleep on remus chest James said.

After a minute he was right and moved back to my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. See told you he's the most cuddlest person in this room James said. I start to rub my hand on his cheeks as he was really cute just by lying on me. So we carry on working threw and ended up finishing the work.

So we just played some monopoly and uno as normal. Then James screams he won and that's when lily smacked the back of his head forgetting sirus was asleep right next to us. I felt him stir in his sleep oh how I was going to kill James if he woke up but he just carried on sleeping. Mary and dracos came back with lunch as we sat there eating it up.


Sirus woke up as I was reading and the others were still playing games. Hey what time is it sirus asked its 3pm I said. Wow its already 3 how come no one woke me up for lunch sirus said. You looked tired pads and you need to sleep I said.

I know moony I just don't want you guy to worry about me all the time sirus said. Well your lucky you have me or else I would tie you to the bed until you fall asleep I said. He gets up and kisses me and goes back to my chest and plays around with my fingers. I know sirus hates he can't leave the castle as he like to wonder around and have alot of fresh air.

When he's out and about he likes to chill and relax as he doesn't like to rember that he was trapped in his home like his parents made him do its something sirus is recovering from. We know how much trauma his mom and dad left and now he wants to forget about it and move on.

He was enjoys being with me and no one else. His brother and cousins are the reason he also strong and they want him to be happy. They know his home life was never good and tries to help him move on. His mom is so cruel that bhe tries to not let what they say to him and not let him be upset. If we see a letter from his parents we just burn it so he doesn't get upset.


I headed outside to get some fresh air as it was stressful being inside and I feel someone attack me and hear the professors stop him and see sirus and the others run to me. Before I lost consciousness I say I love you and it goes black.

Sirus pov

No don't you dare close your eyes moony not on me I said as the ambulance arrives. I see the dementors take him away and mcgonical comes over to me and moves me away from him so they could save him.

I was a wreck I don't want to loose him not this time. He gets put in the ambulance and taken to the hospital I was allowed along with mcgonical as she was the head of our house. I kept holding his hand so I don't feel like I'm losing him today.

We arrived as he was taken into surgery to save him. I sit down so I could hear from the doctors and know if he was going to be fine. I see James lilly and reg walk through with dumbledore behind them. Is there any news James said. No he's only just gone into surgery I said as they sit next to me and comfort me in the best way.


It has been three hours since he was in surgery and I was feeling alot of anxiety since they hadn't said a thing. Here sirus you need to eat and don't think about starving yourself we don't need remus worrying about you reg said. I grabbed the sandwich and started eating it as reg was right I don't want them to worry about me.

The doctors come out as he was brought out and into a room. So he's going to be fine but he's in a coma and don't know if he will wake up due to his body needing to heal the doctor said. How long will he be like this mcgonical said. We aren't sure it could be a month due to the amount of blood he lost so only time will tell its up to him the doctor said.

As soon as I heard that a peace of me broke that he was in a coma and there nothing I could do to get him out of it. You can see him follow me he said as we head to see him. He looked peaceful and not in pain just in peace I went over to him and held his hand. Every one left the room so I could be alone with him.

Please remus don't leave me I don't want to loose you. You have always been there for me when I'm at my lowest and I hate I'm here alone I feel like I'm going to shut down and not get back up I said as it was hard to see him like this. Aww your a sweet person you must be sirus my son can't stop talking about you when he's home for the holidays.

I turn around and see a woman who looked so much like remus. Are you his mom I asked yeah I am could you tell we look alot like each other his mom said. Yeah sorry do you want me to leave I said. No you are alright you can stay its weird seeing him like this but I know I can trust he has someone he loves with him his mom said.

She went to kiss him on his forehead you better wake up cause you have a great person waiting for you and I'll be back tomorrow and leaves the room. I see the others waiting to head back to hogwarts with dumbledore. Hey sirus I hate to do this but we have to head back we can't stay here any longer mcgonical said.

I don't want to leave him and I'm not ready to let go I said. I know you can come here tomorrow and eve day until he's awake mcgonical said as I said goodbye and headed back to hogwarts. Once we arrived we headed to bed as I held the Teddy and fell asleep with it in my arms.

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