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Remus pov

Today is the day I am marrying sirus as I'm really nervous and excited to make him my husband. We have everything ready and done for and only having friends and family come and see us get married. I have Arthur as my best man and narcissa is sirus best women as she has been there for sirus in his darkest of days.


I woke up as everything was being finished and put up. I see alot of decorations being put up as the planner was molly and wanted it too look perfect for the both of us. It was all coming together and was going to be a great day.

I start to see reg and andromeda and Bellatrix photo frames being taken out to there seats as they get ready to watch the whole thing in the front seats. It was sirus idea to have them here as he would have loved to have seen them in person and he would have rather had them watch then have been told later after we finished.

I hear someone knocking and it was Arthur, hurry up we have an hour before it starts and there are people arriving right now he said. Ok chill I am getting ready and you know where harry Is I need him to get ready aswell I said. Oh he's with sirus getting ready Arthur said as he closes the door.


I wait by the priest as I wait for sirus to come down to be my husband. I see reg give me the thumbs up to help my nerves to calm down as he can tell I was nervous. I look up to the clouds and see James and lilly ghost looking down.

I knew they would watch over us as we get married and I know they would have loved to have been here with us on this big day. It was a thing we always joked about and here we are making memories together and being happy.

The wedding bells start and I see sirus coming down the asilse with narcissa and Harry. I could feel tears come down my face as he looked beautiful in his suit. I look up and see James and lilly were so happy to see him and they had smiles on their faces.

The ceremony was going smoothly and it  was great as no one came and attacked us. We both see mcgonical crying as she was happy for us and she took the role of mother of the groom to sirus and madam pompfery took the same role for me as she always took care of me on the full moon.


The whole thing was amazing and we were happily married to each other and I notice sirus hadn't seen James and lilly up in the sky and I look up to see if they were still there and they were.

Sirus pov

Hey sirus look up to the sky remus said why what's up as I look up and see lily and James watching us. What when did this happen as I said as i broke down in tears. Since this morning I noticed it as I looked up to the sky and saw them remus said.

Why ate you upset its meat to be your big day mcgonical said as she walks over to us and saw as I was crying. Look up and you will see why I said as I looked at her. She looks up and sees the two looking down at us oh my this is the best day for them to be here mcgonical said.

We walk over to the photo frame and see reg and the others watching us. So can I know why you guys were crying narcissa asked. Well if you look up you will be surprised to see James and liily watching the whole thing I said. No way as she sees them I guess they would see this than not wait till the after life narcissa said. Yeah I guess your right I said.


After the whole wedding was over we went inside and took all the photos frame in as the decorations were being taken down. As we all sit down in the living room and talk to each other.

So do you plan to go on a honeymoon molly asked us as she finished talking down the decorations. No were not up for it as we have harry to take care of I said. You don't have to you can go on your honeymoon harry said. No I don't want to leave you here on your own and it's one of the best days ever remus said.

Remus is right and seeing your parents in the sky made us happy I said. What do you mean harry said come follow us as we head outside and see they were still there look up I said. Harry looks up and sees they were up there and he was happy to see them as they wave goodbye to us and disappear into the clouds.

We have lunch as they all leave and it was me and remus and harry here in the house. As harry went to do his homework and me and remus were watching a movie together and we're cuddling each other.


I see remus was asleep and I go upstairs to check on harry and he was fast asleep on his desk. I go over and tuck him in and go back downstairs and bring remus to bed as he was a light sleeper.

I go over and put everything and turn the TV off. It was one of the best days as I got to see everyone watch as me and remus got married as it was a dream come true. I was happy to see James and lilly watching over us as they know I would have loved them there.

I was sad when I couldn't have the people I love alive to see and hug and hang out with. I miss hanging out with everyone and to having fun it's the hardest time and I'm not ready to loose remus and harry it would break me and I would loose myself.

I went back upstairs after making sure all the doors and windows were locked. I went and checked on harry and he was still asleep and went to bed and see remus was asleep aswell. I jump in the bed and think about all the happy memories and think about my grandparents and how they would have loved to see me on my big day.

I feel someone rubbing my back and it was remus as I looked up to him and see he was awake. Come on let's sleep and try not to find ways to be awake remus said. I go and kiss him and lye down on his chest as we fall asleep and I was happy to have him.

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