harrys birthday

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Remus pov

Today is harry birthday and we have been working hard to get everything perfect as he's coming home today from school. This is the first time celebrate his birthday since we adopted him. We don't know how his birthdays always went but his first birthday after meeting Ron he had bars on his window and that made us mad but this year will be different as he's now staying with us.


I woke up to see sirus and molly working on the party decorations for the birthday party. I went and made the food for the party and still made sure they had some breakfast. As kreacher and Arthur came and helped me as they went to grab some of his favourite snacks and sweets.

Everything was nearly done it was alot and we head in and see both sirus and molly weren't done with decorating so we went to help them as there was so much to do. There was a knock on the door and it was the minister of magics fudge. We opened the door as he came to deliver sad news to sirus as it turns out his parents died in azkaban as it was his father who died first and after it was his mother.

Soon fudge left and I see sirus have a smile on his face and he was laughing so hard well I'm glad they died its what they deserve I hope they are roting in hell for what they did to reg sirus said. I don't blame him for what he said as it was his parents fault for murdering his little brother. He was close with reg and hearing they died bought a smile to his face as he always hated them.

We carry on doing the decorating for the party as we had until 12pm to get it all done before we get the kids. His aunt made us promise to take care of him and we did as she is on her way with his cousin as they are mending their relationships with each other as he wants to get to know harry and be a good cousin to him.


We were done decorating and we head to train station to platform 9¾ as this was going to be a great day for harry and the others as hermione is going to stay with us for the summer holidays as we discussed with her parents after Christmas if it was alright as I know she was happy to hear that and her parents were alright with the idea.

Sirus was to happy as he was proud to pick up harry like a dad for the first time as we all were laughing at how happy he was. We were talking about our life back at hogwarts and how much we have changed as this brings so much fun memories and shows how many friends we made over the years.

We see the train pull up and hermione parents were there with a suitcase to give us and say take care of her. As we were chatting we see all the kids pull get of the train and walk up to us. I had no clue the train was already here as I was talking to hermione parents about her and I feel two arms around me and I see hermione hug her parents.

I turn around and it was harry as I gave him a hug back and I see he was very happy to see me. Hey harry how are you I asked I'm good moony harry said. Happy birthday are you ready to go home I said as they all nod and say yes as hermione says goodbye to her parents as we head back to grimmauld place.

Once we arrived harry opens the door to see alot of decorations around the living room. He looked so happy as he says thank you and we get the party started. I know sirus was happy to see that his idea worked as he knew this was going to make him happy and he was right as it made him so happy and I love seeing harry smile for the first time since I was at hogwarts.


The party was going good as everyone was having a blast even harry and his cousin was being happy and not being so nasty to harry he was being nice. I was helping molly bring the presents and the party food as we got the cake settled down and put the candles on.

We walked in the room singing happy birthday and once it was over he blew out his candles and started to open his presents and we see how happy he was as this was the best way to make a teenage happy. All the presents were done before he came home and once it was over we go ready to say our goodbyes to the weasley and hermione as she was staying with molly for two weeks.

We give harry his last presents after they all left and harry was happy as the gift was a trip to hogsmade so he could see his parents grave as petunia regretted never taking him there. He gets to say his goodbye to people he was  to young to remember.

I see sirus get the cleaning as we let kreacher have a day off. I see sirus look like he was about to make a run for it but he did good with the cleaning as I know his parents never let him clean and left it to the elf and this was hard for him to let go.


We were done cleaning and we got the plates set up to cut the cake as we put on the TV and watched a movie as this was the day to celebrate and enjoy as we don't want to hear anymore sad news from anyone it was a day for harry and no one else.

We were enjoying the film as it was a star wars. I convinced sirus to have a tv in the house and of course he had no clue what they he wasn't used to the muggle life. He was frustrated as he doesn't know how to use the TV so we had to teach him how to use it.

You know what I'm done trying to learn how to use a TV its not easy sirus said. Oh comon padfoot you'll get used to it so don't give up I said easy for you to say moony you grew up with this and I didn't so how do you think I feel sirus said. So we watched the TV as it was alot of fun. Once the movie was over I see harry was asleep so we put him to bed as we carried on watching.

Do you think harry ready to see his parents gravestone sirus said. I don't know but if he's ready we'll support him when he sees the grave I said. I know im just worried about him seeing the parents he was to young to remember but it not our place as we don't know what happened that night sirus said. I know and I'm angry with Peter for what he did to harry and betraying James and lilly I said.


Sirus pov

Soon we head to bed and soon remus was asleep. I was lying down and not worrying about the mess that's happening right now in the wizard world as it was a huge one. I head over to the window and looked at the stars to keep my mind of things.

When fudge gave me the news about my parents at first I was shocked but I was finally free from my parents trauma. I hated them for killing reg and Bellatrix and andromeda they never deserved to die and years ago I was even happy when their parents died as it was the best news of my life. The fact they would rather kill their kids for the dark Lord but instead leave them to run and stop trying to force it upon them to be death eaters.

I wasn't sure if harry was ready to vist his parents grave as it was still hard for me to get over and harry was only one when he witnessed his parents death as now he doesn't even remember the night he watched his mother die infront of him. I have visited their graves to find some peace and to always blame myself as it feels like I put them in that danger when they met me.

I never told remus I visited their graves as I don't want him to feel like I was never done letting them go. I was in alot of pain when I heard they were dead ad I always wondered if me and moony got married who would be my best man as I wanted both James and reg to be my best man for ether me or remus.

I headed to bed and snuggled into remus as he was the warmest man I ever sleep by. Remus is the best support  man I ever needed when it came to losing my family and James and lily as I would never forget him or regret being with him.

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