Remus pov
I woke up in pain as the scars were hurting alot. Sirus was next to me fast sleep I see James awake and getting ready. Hey James I need you to get madam pompfery my scars are hurting I said. Ok james said as he leaves, I was scared as it was the first time it was hurting.
Madam pompfery and mcgonical and dumbledore walk in as I put sirus to the side so they check what was causing the pain. They take the bandages off and it just needed cleaning before it caused an infection. Sirus was moving around I knew he was having a nightmare so I rubbed his back so he can carry on sleeping.
What just happened he looked like he was uncomfortable dumbledore said. Nightmares seems like it got worse since I have been gone I said. Yeah but he'll get back to normal soon james said. Well you three are going back to lesson and sirus will stay with remus this week and all the professors have agreed to this mcgonical said.
Aww but we wanna stay here and look after remus james said. Well you three are very behind as you haven't been In lessons for a month and sirus is ahead of you so he'll stay dumbledore said. That's good I'm ready to go back I need to catch up with everything lily said as she heads back to her dorm room to get ready.
Fine I guess I'll have to get ready james said as he get changed. Madam pompfery was finished I put sirus on my chest as he was still asleep while mcgonical went to get breakfast for me. You think your going to be okay while we're gone peter said. Yeah I'll be fine I might go back to sleep I said as they left.
I woke up and saw sirus reading a book as this was new. When did you wake up I said as I sat up and wrapped my arms around his waist. For like 30mins james let me know I was staying with you as you recover sirus said. Well that's good since when did you start reading books I asked.
The day you woke up it started to help me when I was upset and feeling sad sirus said. Well that's good can you help me with the homework since you ahead of me and I need help I said. Sure thing let's see what we need to work on sirus said. I grab the homework and show it him as he looked through them.
He starts to show me how to to do the work as it starts to get easy. I started to do the work on my own but still had some help with the work. I was lucky that sirus knew what he was doing as it was really hard for all three of us to do it.
He starts to kiss me out of nowhere as he was wanting to do this for a long time. We let go and carried on working through the homework. I see mcgonical walk in as she wanted to check on the two of us. So how do you feel remus after this morning mcgonical said. Great it stopped hurting I said, what happened this morning sirus asked.
Oh nothing bad his scars only needed cleaning before they got infected mcgonical said. Oh ok as long as its been sorted out then I'm happy about that sirus said. Well how much of the homework has been done mcgonical said. This many I need to be back in lessons as I missed out on alot and all the work is hard I said.
That is very understandable as it does get hard but the professors will understand the struggle you had by doing all the work mcgonical said. Yeah I guess your right professor it just makes me mad as it took me a month to wake up and I missed out on alot I said. I know how you feel moony but I wish we could have done something to stop this sirus said.
Don't blame yourself pad I'm just happy he's in azkaban now and I'll get over this I said. Its true sirus we can't do anything to change the past all we can do is help remus with this mcgonical said. Yeah I guess your both right maybe we can get through this sirus said as he puts his head on my shoulder.
Mcgonical came back with some food for us to eat and books that can help me with the homework. We started eating as james came back to grab some books to use in lessons. Damm I need another time off the professors have been nagging at me all day james said.