Sirus pov.
I was fast asleep when I heard someone outside the room. I have loved staying with james family for Christmas, I was still getting used to people giving me some love and happiness. I gave my presents to reg and my cousins before we left for school, they were happy to get something from me for Christmas.
I felt someone shaking me to get me up, but got frustrated and threw a pillow at them. Told you he doesn't like it when someone tries to wake him up james said, you should have let me try peter, you know im the only person who can wake him up remus said. Sorry I thought james was joking abut him not letting any of us wake him up peter said.
I felt remus get in bed as he wraps his arm around my neck. Sirus wake up its time to eat remus said, I turn around with my eyes still closed. No leave me alone I want to sleep I said, not happening common you need to wake up remus said. I was about to get another pillow and throw it at him to leave, but he caught my hands.
I open my eyes to see him smiling and with my hands to stop me. You really tried to throw a pillow at me, its a good thing I gave them to peter remus said. Not fair I just want to sleep, it's the holidays I don't wanna be awake right now I said. You can sleep after and me and peter are here till we go back to hogwarts so let's have some fun remus said.
I sit up as james brings over the plate of food for me to eat. Have you guys eaten I asked, yeah we had some food before we came remus said. We an owl outside the window and it was my nanas owl, peter opens the window and there was a gift box for me. Who's owl is this james asked, its my nanas I wonder what she's sent me I said.
I open the box and saw my favourite chocolate from France and a jacket. Why send chocolate to you that's lame james said, it's my favourite chocolate from France I said. Let's finish eating and play some games before we can open presents james said.
We headed down to start opening our Christmas present. James and peter and remus got alot of presents from their families, I didn't really care if I had less presents as that's how my life was like. I went upstairs to clean myself up and change into something more comfortable to wear for the day.
Seeing everyone with their family made me realise I missed mine. I know I can't do anything to see them all again, but I wish my parents never disowned me. I would have spent my last moments with great grandpa, see my grandparents and ne with my cousins and reg. I don't know what I did for my grandfather to hate me.
He just ignored me the entire family reunion, I don't know why they invited me to it if he was going to ignore me. At the last one they had which was last month, reg said they were heartbroken to hear I wasn't coming to anymore family reunions. He said they were heartbroken to hear that, especially the way grandpa treated me.
I felt like he was on my parents side in disowning me. I suddenly felt two arms around my waist, I looked up at the mirror and saw remus hugging me from behind. When did you come I asked, I was here a few minutes ago as I tried calling you remus said. I turn around to hug him, sorry I was lost in my thoughts I said.
I can tell, is there something wrong you been quiet all morning remus asked. Not really just miss reg that's all I said, well finish getting ready its time to eat remus said. I finished getting ready and headed down to join everyone at the dinner table. The food looked amazing and tasted amazing, james parents did an amazing job at cooking the food.
Remus pov.
We sat down in sirus room after eating the dinner. We decided to play some games to pass the time, I know there's something wrong with sirus since he's been quiet all day. I don't know what been happening but I know its something to do with his family.