Remus pov.
Today was the funeral of regulas, Bellatrix and andromeda. It was a big shock to hear they were killed, sirus took it the worst after finding them. Everyone tried to support him and help navigate his feelings, but it just made him really upset.
The day he found them was hard to see since I was working. We only found out from dumbledore who went there with sirus and mcgoncall to check on them. When we got to the safe house, sirus didn't want to let go of regulas even when the ministry were going to take them.
It was hard to get him to let go of regulas, he only just got him back. Now he had to let him go again, he blames himself for letting it happen. We told him it was never his fault, his parents made a run for it hoping no one would find them again.
I woke up to hear knocking at the door, so I got upnto see who it was. I saw it was james and lily standing there, I open the door and let them in. How is sirus james asked, same as always he's in a state of grief I said. I can't believe his parents and uncle and aunt found them and killed them lily said.
Me nether, we still have unanswered questions and how they found them after escaping james said. Not the only one and most of us were working when we got the news from dumbledore lily said. The day sirus found them dead was the worst since he didn't want to let them go I said.
Has he spoken to his cousin lyra I thought we would have seen her james asked. Yeah she deverstated losing two of her sisters after not hearing from them in a while I said, I wonder if narcissa will come to the funeral lily said. I don't think so since the order will be there and their parents are still not caught I said.
We hear the fireplace go off and see dumbledore and mad eye standing there. We got some great news they have been caught mad eye said, that's good we can hopefully move on from this nightmare james said. Where is sirus so we can tell him the news dumbledore said, he's asleep he's been crying all night I said.
I feel really bad for him, he's only got them back only to loose them again lily said. Well there's going to be a long investigation to why they did this mad eye said. Hopefully they get sentenced so bad they will regret their desicon james said. Well be back in time for the funeral so everyone be ready to go dumbledore said.
We were sitting in the living room finishing up with breakfast. I'm glad you and sirus moved in together, since he needs you james said. I know he's not someone who can easily talk about what happened I said, should we check on him since we need to get ready lily said.
I put some food on the plate and we start to head to the room. We walk in to see he was awake but just lying down, here eat some breakfast before we leave I said. I don't want any sirus said, common you need to eat and don't make me feed you myself I said. He starts to eat, james and lily know he's broken and there's nothing we can do to help him.
We got some good news to tell you, your parents and uncle and aunt were caught james said. That's good to hear they have been found sirus said, hopefully their trail date is soon james said. Here I'm done and I'm going to have a shower sirus said, he gets up and takes the towel with him.
I'll make sure the funeral outfit is ready for you I said, thanks moony I'll see you in a bit sirus said. I put the the clothes on the bed while james and lily head back down the stairs, I start to get ready for the funeral. I know it will be hard to burry regulas today knowing he's gone for good.
Regulas was someone who always made sure sirus was never hurt. Even Though sirus was the overprotective brother, they always made sure no one would hurt them. I felt his arms around my waist, what the matter love I said. I can't believe I'm going to burry them today sirus said.