Sirus pov.
Yesterday uncle alphard sent a letter to ask if we can have the day all together. Dumbledore approved that we could go, he even invited remus to join as he wants to get to know him more. I was happy remus could join us as he is my future.
I woke up to see it was sunny and bright. I got up to get ready for the day out, I see James and lily were still asleep. I was worried as I couldn't see remus, I know he was excited for this as I was. So I went to use the bathroom to get ready, I walked in to see remus getting dressed.
You're awake comon I heard were leaving in 30mins remus said. I was wondering where you were I said, opps probably should have let you know remus said. I started getting ready for the day, so are your parents back remus said.
Nah they won't be back for another month i said. What about your cousins parents are they in London remus said. Good question I was only told about my parents but let's hope they aren't I said. I was done and headed to the great hall to have some breakfast.
I see James and lily and peter talking to each other. So you exited to spend the day with sirus uncle remus james said. Yeah just a little nervous I never expected him to invite me remus said. Don't worry I told him everything about you when I first visited him and he was happy to see me in a better place than I first was I said.
Yeah maybe but I hope he dosent go to overprotective on me remus said. He's not like that he's the fun person in my family I said. It's true he's not that type of person and he's the only one who let us have fun while our parents were gone narcissa said as she sits down.
Where is everyone we are leaving soon I said, there outside with dumbledore as he sent me in to get you both narcissa said. We said goodbye and head outside to join everyone outside, can you give me two hours I need to deal with something then I'll take you to your uncle and he is happy to do that dumbledore said, We all agreed and he left to sort it out.
Dumbledore came back out to us as we were playing some games. Sorry about that, ill be back to pick you up at 6 so let's go dumbledore said. We grab onto his arm and landed at his house. Reg went to knock on the door and soon uncle alphard opened it up.
I'm glad everyone is here take a seat I was getting the snacks out uncle alphard said. Wow the place is beautiful remus said as we sit down. He decorated this all by himself, he never let's anyone touch anything fragile reg said. When did this happen he always let us do this i said.
Since mom came and destroyed anything to do with you bella said. I was shocked my mom really wanted everyone to hate me and forget me. So I don't think remus has met lyra black uncle alphard said as lyra comes out. He's seen her when she came to hogwarts to get something off me I said.
I don't remember him being there that day lyra said. Well he was on his bed after being discharged from the hospital I said. Well it's lovely to finally meet you as my sisters and brother told me alot about you lyra said. You did what come here I said, as they started running away from me.
Remus pov.
Its nice too meet you too, I didn't know there was an extra family member I said. Well I'm in the ministry most time so I don't see them often lyra said. That makes sense since I only saw you for the first time I said. Well i heard alot about you and your friends, thanks for making him happy alphard said.
Your welcome but I need to stop him before he kills them I said. I go over and stop him from doing anything, we all sit together. Hey we thought it would be a good idea to tell them they missed you alot andromeda said. Yeah well I would have love to know, I hate myself for not keeping my promise when I left sirus said.