A week before remus was back at hogwarts.
Sirus pov.
I woke up to a lonely bed as remus was still in the coma. Hey sirus I just wanted to check on you before I leave lily said. I'm ok I just want remus back I said as lily comes over to hands me some clothes for the day.
I know how you feel we all miss him but hopefully he'll wake up soon but I'll see you later lily said as she leaves. I got up and got ready for the day as it was a Saturday as I didn't have much to do. I put on remus hoodie as I was missing him alot during the past month and it was hard not having him here.
I head down to the great hall and saw reg and narcissa sat down at the table eating some breakfast. Hey sirus how are you narcissa said as I sit down next to them. I'm ok I just miss remus right now I said, I know we had lily ask us to keep an eye on you today reg said. Thxs but I'll be okay I need some space today I said.
Well we had a letter from uncle alphard for you narcissa said, what but I haven't seen him in over 3 years and I thought he would hate me i said. No he doesn't hate you he has been missing you for 3 years and he just wants to see you again bella said as she joins us at the table. It's true sirus he was sad when you never came home and Is still mad at your parents for disowning you reg said.
I grab the letter as I was nervous to see what he wrote to me and was excited aswell. Take your time he will be happy to hear from you narcissa said. I open the letter as this was going to be the best thing I received for the first time in a while.
Dear sirus,
I'm writing to you to check on you I have been missing you for a long time. I wished I came to the school a few weeks ago to see you but I was busy in France with some friends. I wanted to let you know your parents are gone for two months If you want to visit me as I love to see you again.Love from your uncle alphard.
What does it say as you have a smile on your face reg said. He wants me to vist as it turns out our parents are gone I said. Go and see him I know this will cheer you up for the first time narcissa said. Ok I'll see him I'll wait for dumbledore to come back at lunch and see what he says I said.
It was lunchtime as the whole morning I was doing the homework for the professors. I see dumbledore arrive with professor mcgonical as they were looking very tired. I knew this was my chance to ask them if I could see my uncle.
Hey professor mcgonical and dumbledore can I ask you something I said. Sure what is and how are you dumbledore said, I'm ok for now but my uncle has asked me visit him if that's ok I said. What your cousins dad I thought he was like your parents after the way he treated you when he was here mcgonical said.
No I have another one he's younger than them and I want to see him as it has been three years and my parents are away for two months I said. Well I know you need this as you have been having panic attacks so we will let you go mcgonical said. Thank you how is remus i said.
He's still the same but doctors have said he'll be awake soon dumbledore said. Ok thank you I'm ready to go I said as dumbledore leans his arm out for me. We get land at my uncles I was nervous as it wa weird being here for the first time in three years. I'll be back at 6 clock to get you dumbledore said.
I walk over to the door and knocked on as I took a deep breath. I hear the door unlock and open to see my uncle standing there in shock to see me. Sirus is that you your all grown up alphard said. Yeah uncle its me I got the letter this morning and was happy you wanted to see me I said.