harry at the order

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Sirus pov.


I was getting the kitchen ready for the meeting with the order. Molly was helping me out aswell since there would be alot of us. I wonder what this meeting is all about Molly said, not sure but it can't be that bad I said. Hopefully it isn't what are you doing there I'm making lunch today Molly said.

I was putting something together for kreacher since he not well I said. Huh that explains why I haven't seen him today Molly said, yeah so he's not allowed to be out of bed I have even told him that I said. Can we have something to eat aswell sirus Fred said,  I told you boys to wait until its dinner time Molly said.

Yeah but mom it's not your house and we are hungry Ron said. Boys listen to your mom, I can't do anything right now since remus only went shopping this morning and has told me not to touch anything I said. Oh I want to try this George said, no don't eat that I said, before i could warn him, he ended up eating it.

Eww that tastes disgusting who would eat that George said. Its for my house elf who is sick I said, George next time don't try food without asking who it's for Molly said. Well I better take this up to him and make sure he's taking his medicine I said. No problem, I'll be disciplining my children Molly said. As I was walking I ran into Hermione as she was walking to the kitchen.

Hi sirus do you know where Ron is he was supposed to meet up with me hermione said. He's in the kitchen, as there in trouble I said. Off well I will see you later hermione said, I walked into kreacher room and see he was awake and lying down. I got you some food and your medicine to take I said, thx master sirus kreacher said.

No problem I can handle everything on my own and if there's a problem let me know I said. I wish I can help you and Molly out today kreacher said, don't worry yourself we can handle the house but on our own just rest and get better soon I said.


After taking care of kreacher, I headed downstairs to see how Molly was doing in the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen to see everything was ready and so was the food, I guess you really didn't need my help I said, im trying to find the plates and bowls to use for the dinner Molly said.

There over here did you not check this cupboard I asked. No but it's a good thing your here Molly said, well you better have not messed the cupboards up or you reorganising the cupboards the way I like it I said. Sirus leave her alone it's not her fault she had to make it a mess remus said, as he was walking into the kitchen.

Thanks for offering to help her put my kitchen back to normal love I said. I walked to the living room and just lied down, I was really tired and was missing reg alot. I know they want me to go and see them in the portrait room but I can't see them after what happened.

I felt my head being lifted and placed on someone's lap. I look up to see remus sitting down, you ok love you seem alot tired remus asked. I am a little bit, I have kreacher who's ill and kids running around till they go back to hogwarts I said. We atleast we will have the house back to normal in a few weeks remus said.

Mad eye walks in through the fireplace as he looked worried. What the matter mad eye why do you look worried remus asked, Harry has been expelled from hogwarts mad eye said, what how did this happen I asked. He was battling the dementors as he was protecting his cousin and was caught doing magic mad eye said.

So there expelling him from hogwarts all because he tried to save his cousin remus said. Yeah but don't worry he has to appear in court tomorrow and they'll make the descion to expell him or not mad eye said. Great he has to go to the ministry of magics tomorrow and sort this all out remus said.

Well be back in two hours we need to bring him here so he'll be safe mad eye said. We said goodbye and joined every one in the kitchen, I do hope they keep him safe as he's on the way here. We sit down as dumbledore starts the meeting since it was what happened at the tri wizard tournament last year.

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