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1st year.

Remus pov


I wake up to sirus not In bed and so was james. I go and see where they were and they were In the common room asleep. I put them to bed and head back into bed and fall back to sleep.

I feel someone get in my bed and lye on my chest. I open my eyes and it was sirus and he looked like he was having a hard time sleeping. Hey you ok pads I  ask no I can't sleep can I sleep here he asked sure and I hold his hand and we fall asleep together.


I woke up and it was a Saturday and everyone was in the common room. I was getting ready to do some studying with everyone and see how tired sirus and was looking exhausted.

He joins us as he lye down on my legs as we carry on studying. We hear James drop a book and I see sirus flich as he heard the book down and carried on studying.

We go and get breakfast and start talk to everyone at the table and eat as more of our friends join us at the table. I think we were having fun together as we were making jokes.


Sirus was asleep again and I spoke to James and peter. Did any of you notice padfoot flinch when I dropped the book said James. Yeah I thought I was the only one who saw it I said.

Why would he flinch for no reason as it was an accident said peter. Maybe he's being abused at home said lily. Are you sure I asked yeah have any of you noticed he flinch and likes to keep his things organised and dosent like it when it's messed up said lilly. She was right how did no one see it were we that blind to see the signs.


We head in our dorm and lily joins us and we see padfoot cleaning the mess around my bed. Babe you should really clean your area its so messy said sirus.

I sir down on my bed as he finishes up cleaning the whole dorm. I see he was exhausted after that I spread my legs and move my book as he get in between and lyes down on my chest as I play around with his hair. Hey padfoot why do you like to clean so much and we don't said peter. Er habits said sirus as he flinch as he was asked.

I give James the nod and he drops his book and sirus gets off the bed under a second and says geez that scared me and gets back on the bed and lies back down on my chest. We all were in shock as we didn't think it was true.


I put my book down and checked if sirus was asleep. I sit up and he was as they all come and sit on my bed. I didn't think it would be true lilly said I know should we check his body for any scars or anything said peter as we all noded.

I lift up his top and there was so many scars around his back. what made us all cry is one of them said blood traitor I was shocked why would someone do this to him. I feel him shiver and he moved closer to get some warmth as we pulled his top back down.

We all went back to do our homework as we tried to forget what just happen so we can help sirus and help him heal his scars. We never really know what happens behind closed doors as we are not letting sirus move back In with his parents.


We were still studying for the exams at the end of term. Then sirus wakes up and I feel him grab my hand and hold it as sit up. He faces me and says that's the best sleep I ever had. I know what he meant without having nightmares.

We all sit on my bed and we asked him about his home life as he tells us all from start to finish. He starts to cry as we all comfort him as he was scared to tell anyone of us. We needed to find a way to keep him safe away from his family.

It was james who suggested he stay with him and his parents as a way to keep him safe. He agreed and so we all know where he stays in the holidays. I was happy we could help him as we are   his best friends and hate to see him like that.


We go down and have tea with every one and we see him have a smile on his face. James starts a prank on the slytherin table and we all burst out laughing as it was so funny. But I think mcgonical is ready to hand out detention for us all.

We started eating as we only had breakfast today and I see sirus wasn't eating so I tell him it's fine you can eat and he does. I'm not sure how much of the abuse was taking but it hurts to see him like that as he was broken.

We head back to the dorms and they all fall asleep. I check if sirus was asleep as I hoped he would but he wasn't. Come here love as he lyes down on my chest.

I know this is going to be hard for you but were going to help you I said. I know moony it's hard to move past it and I don't know how to do it said sirus. Were going to help you as we all care about you I said. We soon fell asleep and try to move on from today.

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