Chapter 58

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"Ugh. Think before you use a jutsu, or else your opponent might use it against you. Oh and also, if the bait is obvious, don't take it." Kakashi explained. "A ninja must see through deception."

"I. Get. It." Naruto gritted angrily.

"I'm telling you this because you don't get it. You think you get it which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?" Kakashi explained.

Suddenly shiruken and Kunai came flying out of a tree.

'What?' I thought.

"Won't you ever learn?" Kakashi asked as he was hit by sasukes tools.

"Ah! He just got blasted by shiruken! Are you out of your mind Sasuke? You went too far!" Naruto yelled as kakashi's body was falling to the ground.


'Of course it was a substitution, Sasuke.' I thought as I turned around and started running.


"That was Sakura." I said as I turned around at the loud scream.

A few minutes of walking and I came across Sakura laying on the ground unconscious.

"Genjutsu. Really Sakura?" I asked as I walked past her.

I kept walking straight until I sensed something.

"I know your there." I said.

"A sensory type then?" Kakashi asked.

"Let's just say I'm very in tune to my own surroundings." I said.

"Clever. Your very different from your twin then, aren't you?" Kakashi continued.

"I suppose." I said looking at him, finally.

"Now then. Shall we begin?" Kakashi asked cooly.

"No." I said.

"Huh?" Kakashi asked confused.

"This test. It's designed so we fail. You set it up hoping for teamwork, but also set it up to lead to in fighting among the group. We're suppose to be a unit. We are meant to be stronger together. Not strong individuals." I explained.

"Hm. Good. You actually do get it. You'll pass then." Kakashi said throwing a bell.

I caught the bell with my right hand just as we heard a loud ringing noise.

"Just in time too. Come. I can't wait for you all to see what Naruto did." Kakashi said leading the way.

The walk back was quiet.

Naruto was tied to a post, Sasuke to his right and Sakura to his left. I was standing next to Sasuke, leaning against a post.

"Uh oh. So your stomachs growling huh? That's too bad. Oh by the way, about this exercise, well I've decided. I won't send any of you back to the academy." Kakashi said.

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