off day - matt

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I was in the middle of making myself some pasta when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was my boyfriend Matt's brother, Chris. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, can you come over? Matt's having a bad day or something, he barely has come out of his room and it sounds like he's crying.." "yeah, give me like 10 minutes and I'll be there," I told him. "Ok," he said and hung up. I shut the stove off and went upstairs and threw on a hoodie and my shoes, grabbing my keys and going back downstairs and outside.

I got in and immediately started driving to the triplets' house, and I got there in probably 10 minutes. I pulled into their driveway and got out, walking up to the door and knocking, and Chris opened the door. "Hey, he's in his room," Chris gave me a small smile. I nodded and smiled at him and walked upstairs and went to open his door but it was locked. "Matt, baby?" I knocked. No answer. "Matt open the door baby.." I said again. No answer. I grabbed the spare key and opened the door, to find him laying there, snuggled into his blankets, asleep.

I smiled to myself and closed and locked the door again, taking my shoes off and climbing into bed carefully with him. As soon as I laid down, he must've felt the bed move, because he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him and held me tightly as if I'd disappear if he let go. I ran my hand through his hair while he slept. I could see some tear stains on his cheeks and it broke my heart to know he was having an off day. Sooner or later I heard him moving around, and I looked over and he was looking up at me. "Hi baby.." I whispered. "What are you doing here?" He wrapped his arms around me once again and hid his face in my neck.

"Chris called me, he told me you were having a bad day," I ran my hands through his hair again. "I am.. i really am baby.." his voice cracked. "I know, I know that's why I'm here Matt. What's wrong, lovey?" I said and he looked up at me, and my heart broke when I saw tears in his eyes. "I don't know, I just feel.. nothing.. my anxiety is bad today, im crying over nothing, I've never felt like this before y/n.." he told me. "Shh, baby.. Matt, you're okay.." I held onto him tightly. "It's okay to have these kinds of days baby, sometimes all your emotions bottle up and come out when you least expect it. It's okay to be sad, it's okay to not know why your sad, and it is 100% ok to have a bad day baby, I promise. Everyone has bad days, just today it's your turn.." I whispered, kissing his head.

"Thank you for coming.." he whispered. "Of course. You're always there for me when I have bad days, I was so worried about you, Chris told me you didn't come out of your room and that you were crying.." I mumbled, running my hands through his hair, once again. We laid there in silence for a while, until I heard soft snores. I looked down and Matt was passed out, laying on my chest. I smiled and kissed his head, taking a quick picture before wrapping my arms around him, and taking a quick little nap myself.

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